I've been "umming" and "ahing" about joining this for a while since I know my art isn't up to the same standards as so many involved, but I figure at least it might give me some decent feedback about some things so I'm throwing my hat in too.
I've decided to try out designing a Lissandra skin for an illustration and I found an image last night that gave me such a huge shove in the direction of a Draconic Lissandra. I spent most of last night trying to figure out what it would be since Dragon Sorceress is already the mantle of Zyra and I kept thinking of Prophet or Oracle since Lissandra is blind but it just wouldn't work in my head. Eventually, after scribbling a bit, it came to me. Dragon Queen Lissandra. So that's what I'm going to attempt to do.
I don't know if I'll be able to get it done in time since I'm currently in the early stage of carpal in my dominant side but I'm going to try at least.
So here we go, I've only just started working on it today, and only got the base design for her head done and haven't even figured out what I'm going to put her in. Details are obviously going to come a bit later so there's some lines that do nothing right now but they're there as a reminder to me of things to come.
Anyway, good luck to all.

Trying to work out currently hair, if she should have any at the front or not, make it all scaled or armoured up somehow. Any suggestions are appreciated and I can work through a few of them when I can.
The horns style is taken directly from Zyra's art so they should be similar. I'll be adorning them eventually, whether it be armour or jewels or a combination of them both and more. Again, suggestions are good.