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I hate myself need help

polycounter lvl 4
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DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
It's been over a year since I graduated and I haven't had the chance to improve my portfolio on my own. Which is why im looking for a course to do to improve. The problem is I know I can model, texture and render properly now after learning from past mistakes but I need something to keep me on edge so I can study and develop without my parents bothering me.
You see, my parents have been not been entirely supportive of me studying art but in the end they paid for it, I studied in the UK for 4 years to get my degree but in the end they called me back home right after a few days after graduation, leaving me in loop. I've been forced to go to my dad's office to deal with business while they know I have no interest in it. I waste more than half of my day doing nothing because my dad says that I "cant work on his scale yet" and that I have look at how he works all day. They even titled my degree as "fun and meaningless" and according to dad I wouldnt be able to earn as much as him.
I really really want to get a job which I cant get at my current state and that is why I need a course so I could study as a means to have an excuse to getaway from wasting my life and be what I want to be. I'm 26 and dont have a grip on my life. Living in Pakistan as a 3d artist is pretty grim. I dont know if I should be blaming myself to dream that I could work on games and probably have an interesting life. I've been rejected to everwhere I applied over the year on just applying. I hate myself for not pushing myself and that Im not good enough to be called an artist.
I could use some guidance on my portfolio too, someone that could help me what I should really be doing. 


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    That sounds rough, Ali, but it sounds like you're hustling as best you can in light of the situation.

    What was the question though?
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    What was the question though?
    Im looking for recommendations for a course to improve. I can improve via tutorials sure but its not a good reason for them unless its paid. If its paid, my parents wont think that I play games all day. I've seen so many courses and as interesting as they maybe I cant tell my dad to pay for all of them.
    I was also thinking of applying to Gnomon next summer so I have an opportunity to apply to work while I study there. 
  • Camille Kuo
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    Camille Kuo polycounter lvl 11
    I'm not a 3d artist, but I've been working in a similar industry and have close friends who were pro 3d artists. To tell you this hardcore fact that is western gaming industry is getting harder and harder to get in every year (am talking about hundreds to thousands of submissions for each job opening), becuz 3rd world countries are rising having internet meaning more and more ppl join and compete. Also, what you think is pretty much what everyone thinks that "doing game is interesting!" However, the market becomes so competitive to some point that the interesting things become..not interesting anymore after just 3-5 years. If you only have passion but not super good or super talented/ no industry connections/ no experience, I strongly recommend you DO NOT wast time going to those expensive art schools, because others who use their hard earn $ attending art school will work 10X times harder. And think about this as a 3d artist means you have to keep up with super fast paced technology every year. However if you don't see this as a life time career, I'd say hey it's good to go to oversea art school becuz you got others to pay for you anyway. btw sorry for not be able to recommend 3d tutorials. Last thing is don't hate yourself, becuz there're many others who try very hard (even those who paid for themselves working part time as waiter/waitress go to school full time) and still not be able to enter to the industry. 
  • ToffeeApple
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    ToffeeApple polycounter lvl 8

    That sounds like a really tough situation. I'm guessing you are saying the problem is you have little time to work on your portfolio around work? Do you not have time on the weekend to work on it? I do think it's good that you have your dad's business to fall back on rather than shop work or waiting work which is a struggle when paying the bills. I find it a bit sad that your parents don't want to support you in following your dream.  Looking at your portfolio - I'm assuming you are aiming to be an Environment Artist? What I'd recommend is possibly taking a couple of months out do an Environment Art mentorship with Ryan Benno https://gumroad.com/ryan_benno. I've done this myself and it's helped me progress a lot in my work. Keep in mind though it will take a lot of commitment and hard work. You need to be working on it 8 to 10 hours a day to really make it worth you taking time out of paid employment.
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    @ToffeeApple Are you able to give some feedback with regards to Ryan Benno's mentorship? What did you get out of it, what improved, etc. It would be interesting to hear more detail from someone who paid for a mentorship program.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4

    That sounds like a really tough situation. I'm guessing you are saying the problem is you have little time to work on your portfolio around work? Do you not have time on the weekend to work on it? I do think it's good that you have your dad's business to fall back on rather than shop work or waiting work which is a struggle when paying the bills. I find it a bit sad that your parents don't want to support you in following your dream.  Looking at your portfolio - I'm assuming you are aiming to be an Environment Artist? What I'd recommend is possibly taking a couple of months out do an Environment Art mentorship with Ryan Benno https://gumroad.com/ryan_benno. I've done this myself and it's helped me progress a lot in my work. Keep in mind though it will take a lot of commitment and hard work. You need to be working on it 8 to 10 hours a day to really make it worth you taking time out of paid employment.
    Ill check it out! And no I dont get paid :P 
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    What did you study in the UK? Do you have connections there that could get you into the industry?

    I'm not a 3d artist, but I've been working in a similar industry and have close friends who were pro 3d artists. To tell you this hardcore fact that is western gaming industry is getting harder and harder to get in every year (am talking about hundreds to thousands of submissions for each job opening), becuz 3rd world countries are rising having internet meaning more and more ppl join and compete. Also, what you think is pretty much what everyone thinks that "doing game is interesting!" However, the market becomes so competitive to some point that the interesting things become..not interesting anymore after just 3-5 years. If you only have passion but not super good or super talented/ no industry connections/ no experience, I strongly recommend you DO NOT wast time going to those expensive art schools, because others who use their hard earn $ attending art school will work 10X times harder. And think about this as a 3d artist means you have to keep up with super fast paced technology every year. However if you don't see this as a life time career, I'd say hey it's good to go to oversea art school becuz you got others to pay for you anyway. btw sorry for not be able to recommend 3d tutorials. Last thing is don't hate yourself, becuz there're many others who try very hard (even those who paid for themselves working part time as waiter/waitress go to school full time) and still not be able to enter to the industry. 
    While I wouldn't personally recommend a school as expensive as Gnomon, they do have some of the best instructors who could offer you the right connections to get into the industry.

    Its not absolutely necessary, but you could get the same result with gameartinstitute,
    Again a lot of what is taught there is available for free here and elsewhere on the internet. But you could get more specific connections

    However the deciding factor to work in the USA is getting the permit/visa to work there, which is far more difficult than simply getting a job in the USA. 

    Any chance of immigrating to the UK? If not you are mostly limited in on site work opportunities to South Asia, so I would recommend creating a strong body of work to gain freelance opportunities.

    That could translate to on site work at some point in your career.

  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    I graduated with a BA Hons. Computer Games Design from the University of Huddersfield. As for connections, I dont really know but I have friends that graduated with me and got instant jobs in Rockstar etc and I am friends with the instructors that taught us over the years.
    As for immigration, I have no idea how to immigrate on my own and without a work permit will make it hard to apply for work.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Well you get your work permit after you get work, atleast in the UK. 
    You should get in touch with your friends and instructors in the UK and see if they have opportunities for you. 
    Also if you do intend to immigrate, I would recommend Canada over the US simply because it is easier.
    Toronto game industry is too saturated, but there more opportunities in Montreal, Vancouver. (Locals are preferred)

    Use this points calculator to see if you qualify for permanent residence. 

    Have to keep improving on the art though (I can give some portfolio critique if you're okay with that.)

  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    NikhilR said:
    Well you get your work permit after you get work, atleast in the UK. 
    You should get in touch with your friends and instructors in the UK and see if they have opportunities for you. 
    Also if you do intend to immigrate, I would recommend Canada over the US simply because it is easier.
    Toronto game industry is too saturated, but there more opportunities in Montreal, Vancouver. (Locals are preferred)

    Use this points calculator to see if you qualify for permanent residence. 

    Have to keep improving on the art though (I can give some portfolio critique if you're okay with that.)

    Sure, I really need them critiques even if they are harsh.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    pm'd you.
    - Also don't hate yourself!
     Working in this industry is many things but not worth hating yourself over.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Volunteer to join a game development team and provide art for them.  It's one of the strongest and toughest ways to get actual game art done, instead of just making it in a vacuum.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    Volunteer to join a game development team and provide art for them.  It's one of the strongest and toughest ways to get actual game art done, instead of just making it in a vacuum.
    I worked for 2 groups last year. They didn't pan out and one was conflicting with the time I had to work at.
    I'm still looking for places but I just can't find the right group especially those that would deal with my time constraints.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Try talking to USC Games.  I can vouch for some teams there.
  • beccaanthony003
    Dude, I feel the same way. A little lost after I graduated and I'd like to make my portfolio transition into more game design stuff. Specifically improve my modeling. I'm looking into CGMA. A buddy of mine took their texturing class and I'm thinking of enrolling in that same class too not sure yet. But they offer really good classes and they've got some really great instructors, here check them out. https://3d.cgmasteracademy.com/ 

  • beccaanthony003
    I just looked at your art station. Are you working on models? Is that what you want to improve? I think you're really hard on yourself, your stuff looks good. Definitely room for improvement but you're on your way. Best of luck!

  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    I just looked at your art station. Are you working on models? Is that what you want to improve? I think you're really hard on yourself, your stuff looks good. Definitely room for improvement but you're on your way. Best of luck!

    I'm trying to improve but I'm kind of lost these days. When I want to work, something happens and I get distracted. Its been happening for a few months now.
    I used to be so optimistic back then and now I'm in a state of uncertainty. Especially if you are in a place where there are no game companies to work with, it makes it tough to get a job abroad.
    Right now I'm torn between CGMA and GAI's Environment Art Boot Camp. I need to learn Maya first for CGMA though.
  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    It's been over a year since I graduated and I haven't had the chance to improve my portfolio on my own. Which is why im looking for a course to do to improve. The problem is I know I can model, texture and render properly now after learning from past mistakes but I need something to keep me on edge so I can study and develop without my parents bothering me.
    You see, my parents have been not been entirely supportive of me studying art but in the end they paid for it, I studied in the UK for 4 years to get my degree but in the end they called me back home right after a few days after graduation, leaving me in loop. I've been forced to go to my dad's office to deal with business while they know I have no interest in it. I waste more than half of my day doing nothing because my dad says that I "cant work on his scale yet" and that I have look at how he works all day. They even titled my degree as "fun and meaningless" and according to dad I wouldnt be able to earn as much as him.
    I really really want to get a job which I cant get at my current state and that is why I need a course so I could study as a means to have an excuse to getaway from wasting my life and be what I want to be. I'm 26 and dont have a grip on my life. Living in Pakistan as a 3d artist is pretty grim. I dont know if I should be blaming myself to dream that I could work on games and probably have an interesting life. I've been rejected to everwhere I applied over the year on just applying. I hate myself for not pushing myself and that Im not good enough to be called an artist.
    I could use some guidance on my portfolio too, someone that could help me what I should really be doing. 
    Boy, oh boy i'm in the exact same position. Our difference is that my parents persuaded me going to computer engineering rather than paying a private bachelor degree for 3d. On top of that, they couldn't pay for my tuitions after 2 years, so i ended up in my father's business with no degree, and i hate it here. I'm 27 now, and not only this, i tried to take responsibility in the bussiness and he just doesn't let me, nor he gives me insurance, and a crappy salary to barely pay a rent. He had to have a heart attack and could not come to the shop to start giving me responsibilities, but no increase in salary. What i do is come here half, maybe the whole day, and gather all my remaining strength after work to try and balance my life around learning 3d, spending time with my fiance,doing housework and doing things that relax me. How can i manage all these? I consider you lucky that you have half things to worry about than me.

    Do you know one thing you can do? Re-route your emotions. Every day every time i get frustrated at work or being tired of this shit i tell myself "im gonna home, im gonna work hard on 3d as much as i can, so that i can leave this shitty lifestyle as fast as i can"

    All the energy you spend feeling frustrated, can be put into creating 3d art and building up your skills.It has worked wonders for me.
  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    I'm not going to talk about  continuing a family business aspect. But I can relate to you on other parts.  It looks like curse of pursuing a game-development carrier in a developing country with strong family ties. Positive side is that you were fortunate enough to get education for what you pursue. It's a huge plus that majority of people in similar situation doesn't have.
     Truth is that they will never take your profession seriously because there's little to no job prospects about this field, no established industry in places like this and people pursuing similar careers around them are nearly zero. Earning money from game-art is the only thing to make them take your profession serious a little bit.
      It's kinda harsh but you need to get over all negative aspects of your situation, work hard and prove yourself employable by studios or by freelance. Take as much as your waking hours for this target. It would solve many problems about you and your family relations.
  • beccaanthony003
    If you know 3DS Max, then Maya probably isn't hard to learn. It's UI is different but I feel like you'd probably be ok and pick it up. Maybe you can use 3DS Max if you ever take a class? Just keep working hard. And submit your stuff when you're ready for it. It takes time that's all.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    I tried using it but it feels too slow for me xD
  • ToffeeApple
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    ToffeeApple polycounter lvl 8


    On starting the mentorship program I mainly wanted to improve my buildings and foliage. You choose what you are wanting to focus on and the project that you do with guidance from Ryan. I've quickly listed what I learnt below – although keep in mind I wasn't a complete beginner at some of this but Ryan helped me take it all to the next level.

    What I learnt:

    Conceptually: what makes an interesting environment

    Buildings: how to easily create a bevelled edge look on all mesh, normal mapping techniques for trims, how to create different types of trims – such as trims with alpha, trims to go on buildings, what makes a good looking building in games, creating buildings with modular pieces, architecture choices, up to date in-engine techniques currently being used in games such as world-space mapping, when to add more detail.

    Garden: how to make foliage – grass, plants, trees, using splines with mesh, how to layout and group objects and foliage

    Post-effects – Volumetric Fog, AO

    Lighting – creating variety in the lighting – pools of light in places, creating a mood within the scene using lights

    This isn't totally up to date but you can see the project at:


    *Before starting with Ryan I had made a couple of environments before – I was mostly good at modeling and texturing props start to finish and making tileable textures before this project. I feel very confident in making environments from scratch myself now without the need for concept art.

    A mentorship still requires a lot of self-learning and exploring your options. The more work you produce – the more feedback can be given on it. If you are stuck Ryan can let you know what techniques are out there for what you want to achieve. In a sense it fast-tracks you as you don't slow down from not knowing what direction to take. Along with this Ryan has a great deal of knowledge on the latest techniques being used currently in industry. I don't think I could have progressed this much in this short a time-frame if I was going it alone or even doing a class. When doing a class, you work at the speed of the rest of the class and you don't get that one on one time where you get to focus on what you want to learn and what your weaknesses are.  

  • BrianShray
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    BrianShray polycounter lvl 4
    Tell me about it.

    I'm 25 and dont have a grip on my life either
    Im in Malaysia working as a 3d Artist. I thought I had a decent idea of how my career was going to pan out over the course of time but how stupid, young and naive I was back then. I understand your feelings, Its super hard to work on your portfolio and keep pushing forward when you spend tons of energy day to day or even hour to hour, just trying to keep yourself from breaking down emotionally. And i can't imagine how it must be without a supportive family. 

    But at the end of the day. With that all said and done. The only way to get out of your rut is to put all those emotions in a bag, keep it aside and soldier on and bust your ass on that folio. Plus, from what you have said, it seems to me you might be going through some depression. If it is a feasible option for you, I would recommend perhaps seeing a therapist just so you can clear your head and move on from whatever you are feeling right now. I myself have battled with depression (and still am) and it is the best advice i can give. 
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    Tell me about it.

    I'm 25 and dont have a grip on my life either
    Im in Malaysia working as a 3d Artist. I thought I had a decent idea of how my career was going to pan out over the course of time but how stupid, young and naive I was back then. I understand your feelings, Its super hard to work on your portfolio and keep pushing forward when you spend tons of energy day to day or even hour to hour, just trying to keep yourself from breaking down emotionally. And i can't imagine how it must be without a supportive family. 

    But at the end of the day. With that all said and done. The only way to get out of your rut is to put all those emotions in a bag, keep it aside and soldier on and bust your ass on that folio. Plus, from what you have said, it seems to me you might be going through some depression. If it is a feasible option for you, I would recommend perhaps seeing a therapist just so you can clear your head and move on from whatever you are feeling right now. I myself have battled with depression (and still am) and it is the best advice i can give. 
    Dont have therapists here and my parents will call me crazy just for visiting one...
  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    Dont have therapists here and my parents will call me crazy just for visiting one...
    I know that attitude and way of thinking in society. They look at you with a weird eye when you say you visit a therapist. That is because people are too proud in such communities to admit they have a problem, and they look down on others who admit it and visit a therapist. In the end, you will be the one who has the mind in its place, and those with unresolved issues will have the real problem
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    So i spent half a day trying to find out what to model. Looked through a dozen concept arts, scrolled through Pintrest and speed modelling on Youtube but just cant find anything, I'm lost...
  • JLeeD
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    JLeeD polycounter lvl 3
    This thread is weirdly therapeutic. It is so incredibly frustrating to be stuck in a rut. I feel like I am in a cave blindly scrabbling to get out, yelling into the darkness I WILL NOT GIVE UP! Or like you're trying to move forwards, but you're in honey, and everyone around you are walking on moving walkways. But remember, there are many like us, and there have been many before us in the same situation. When I'm super down, I listen to podcasts of artists, a lot of the time successful artists failed for 5 years + before they got a job.
    Some advice that hasn't been posted here, that I could learn to use more myself, is be a big fat slut. Use everybody you know, your uni tutors, your old classmates, even the people who are responding to you on here. Message them, ask for feedback, ask how it is to work at their employment or their experience themselves. Don't forget to thank them for their time. Most probably won't respond, but it might be that one person who does, that one connection that you make, that might get you the job.
    Keep on going bro. We will get there. 
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    So i spent half a day trying to find out what to model. Looked through a dozen concept arts, scrolled through Pintrest and speed modelling on Youtube but just cant find anything, I'm lost...
    I know how this can feel. I would say stop looking for the "perfect" concept and just save like 5 different images you think look cool, and then close your eyes and scroll through and just pick whatever one is open when you open them. Overthinking is holding you back, and done is certainly better than perfect but never even started.

    Just pick a random concept and execute on it until it is finished. In the game industry you are going to be assigned work you are "meh" on or not even into sometimes. It is never going to be awesome shit 24/7 and an essential skill to develop is the self discipline to power through and finish work, no matter if it is really singing to you. With all the dope art content on art station or here on polycount, just pick a smaller object/scene/prop etc and hammer on it until it is done. the sense of accomplishment and confidence you get from actually finishing something will help power you through the next one.

    That is a big thing that separates a pro from a student, working on something till it is done, even if they dont feel like it. Fall in love with the process of creating art and not just the end result and you will have a far more enjoyable journey. hope this helps.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    So i spent half a day trying to find out what to model. Looked through a dozen concept arts, scrolled through Pintrest and speed modelling on Youtube but just cant find anything, I'm lost...
    I know how this can feel. I would say stop looking for the "perfect" concept and just save like 5 different images you think look cool, and then close your eyes and scroll through and just pick whatever one is open when you open them. Overthinking is holding you back, and done is certainly better than perfect but never even started.

    Just pick a random concept and execute on it until it is finished. In the game industry you are going to be assigned work you are "meh" on or not even into sometimes. It is never going to be awesome shit 24/7 and an essential skill to develop is the self discipline to power through and finish work, no matter if it is really singing to you. With all the dope art content on art station or here on polycount, just pick a smaller object/scene/prop etc and hammer on it until it is done. the sense of accomplishment and confidence you get from actually finishing something will help power you through the next one.

    That is a big thing that separates a pro from a student, working on something till it is done, even if they dont feel like it. Fall in love with the process of creating art and not just the end result and you will have a far more enjoyable journey. hope this helps.

    I think you need to polish up your existing work. The problem you're going to have is more because of where you are located. 
    Moving out of the country would be your best option. But still you could start a freelance operation of some sort.
    Also look into this,
    The guy behind it is from Karachi, pretty prolific fellow. Maybe you could assist him with your knowledge. Might be the start of something.
    When there is no industry it may open an opportunity for innovation.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    NikhilR said:

    I think you need to polish up your existing work. The problem you're going to have is more because of where you are located. 
    Moving out of the country would be your best option. But still you could start a freelance operation of some sort.
    Also look into this,
    The guy behind it is from Karachi, pretty prolific fellow. Maybe you could assist him with your knowledge. Might be the start of something.
    When there is no industry it may open an opportunity for innovation.
    I've already discussed moving out but my dad said no. I know about that guy, he's only interested in 2D art right now and has no plans on going for 3D atm. I have been trying to get freelance work but nothing has popped up, its been way over a year now.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Looking forward to seeing better art from you, Ali.  Especially if you post it here.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    Looking forward to seeing better art from you, Ali.  Especially if you post it here.
    I will do my best :)
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    I am also taking the Game Art Institute Environment art bootcamp in Jan :)
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    Hang in there, man.
    I myself got a masters degree from the UK. Returned home, been working hard on my portfolio and it is paying off. I have been able to make very good friends and associates as well. I am still trying to land a fulltime job in the UK which is very difficult atm because of sponsorship and all.
    I know the feeling of working in a third world country but if you work very hard, people will notice you and contact you. Try to find time to create good art. For me, sometimes I stayed up very late just to get reasonable amount of work done.

    @NikhilR Are there companies in Canada that are willing to offer fulltime jobs to people outside Canada without work visa? From what I understand the company has to prove that they couldn't find someone in the country that meets the requirement they are looking for. Yet I gather that 3d art is among the special jobs they give visa for especially under the Federal skills program.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    melviso said:
    Hang in there, man.
    I myself got a masters degree from the UK. Returned home, been working hard on my portfolio and it is paying off. I have been able to make very good friends and associates as well. I am still trying to land a fulltime job in the UK which is very difficult atm because of sponsorship and all.
    I know the feeling of working in a third world country but if you work very hard, people will notice you and contact you. Try to find time to create good art. For me, sometimes I stayed up very late just to get reasonable amount of work done.

    @NikhilR Are there companies in Canada that are willing to offer fulltime jobs to people outside Canada without work visa? From what I understand the company has to prove that they couldn't find someone in the country that meets the requirement they are looking for. Yet I gather that 3d art is among the special jobs they give visa for especially under the Federal skills program.
    What you would need is an positive LMIA (Labor market impact assessment). 
    The LMIA process involves the company proving the they couldn't find a local (permanent resident/citizen) for the role. The employer has to apply for this and it is usually difficult to get a positive LMIA for more entry level - junior roles.
    If you get a positive LMIA then you get a work visa that is employer locked for duration of the contract.

    There are 3 workarounds to this.

    1. Join a publicly funded college/university, complete your program and then apply for a work permit of equal duration.
    As this is an open work permit, you can then be more flexible in getting work (not always easy, because certain provinces provide companies incentives to hire locals/diverse candidates under affirmative action initiatives, in this case your portfolio doesn't matter that much, but the job probably doesn't either lol.)
    Use the work + education + language skills to gather enough points to apply for permanent residence.
    Once your a PR you don't need a work permit.

    2. Access your existing qualifications for additional points 
    if you have sufficient points you can apply for Permanent residence and then come to Canada and look for work as a local. (diversity/affirmative action criteria still applies, but atleast now you are kinda Canadian)

    3. Marry a Canadian (with intention to stay married after - Don't ruin peoples lives) Use the marriage to get a spousal work visa. Eventually apply for permanent residence.

    Points needed for PR are much lower now than before, but the job market for CG jobs in canada is challenging.
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the info, mate. :- )
    I think I will focus on my archviz freelance work and handpainting textures skills which has been fun so far. These processes are in place for a reason and it's only normal that a company will go for a highly skilled person if it is required.
    @DeathstrokeFTW   Keep at it. You will get there. What you need is patience and high quality work. Remember quality over quantity. 

  • BrianShray
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    BrianShray polycounter lvl 4
    I am also taking the Game Art Institute Environment art bootcamp in Jan :)
    Great choice, please do post your progress. 
  • DeathstrokeFTW
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    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    Great choice, please do post your progress. 
    Will do!
    Currently I'm tackling the Blizzard environment art contest. Looking for references.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
    Offline / Send Message
    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    So I've started with the Bootcamp and we have to start of with props. Select 10 you can model and pick 2 which you really like but Ryan picks it for you which has the right things to model.
    I was assigned to model this:

    Here's my High-Poly (slightly outdated picture :P):

    Low Poly (still working on it - also outdated image):

  • Eric Chadwick
    You should make a new topic in 3D Showcase & Critiques. This section is for Career/Edu topics, not really for crits.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
    Offline / Send Message
    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
    You should make a new topic in 3D Showcase & Critiques. This section is for Career/Edu topics, not really for crits.
    Yes I am going to I just wanted to update the guys that I am trying to recover from what I was going through.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Sure, didn't mean to diminish. Glad to hear you're on the incline!
  • BrianShray
    Offline / Send Message
    BrianShray polycounter lvl 4
    Yes I am going to I just wanted to update the guys that I am trying to recover from what I was going through.
    All the best. You're on the right track. Just keep pushing forward.
  • DeathstrokeFTW
    Offline / Send Message
    DeathstrokeFTW polycounter lvl 4
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