Home Contests & Challenges Archives Riot Creative Contest 2017 Riot Creative Contest 2017 - Character Art

[RIOT CREATIVE CONTEST 2017] Character Art - Pirate Ekko

polycounter lvl 11
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renanfab polycounter lvl 11
Hi everyone, wish i had participate the last Riot Contest years ago and i'm really happy that its happening again and now i have the chance to show my skills.

I'm not a LOL player but i am deeply in love with the artstyle, the handpainted textures and so on. Actually i'm more used to do realistic renders/textures but i want to challange myself and do this style that i love so much.  

I choose the character Ekko, have done some brainstorm, wrote down some themes, dig up the common themes in LOL and ended up choosing : Pirate. 

The first impression i didnt know if hes going to be more captain or a low tier type of pirate but since Ekko's lore its a street kid, i thought that would be cool if he a simple pirate bandit, something that ressemble monkey island's main character designs. 

So, here's my refplate. I'm not good in 2D Concepting so my aproach will be creating basemesh and then doing some blockout + photoshop paintovers. Will be back in a few days to show my progress, goodluck every1. 


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