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[Riot Art Contest 2017] High Disciple Syndra

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MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
So, I saw everyone's skin concepts and I wanted join in on the fun! For this I want to explore Syndra's alternative personality that she could have been if she never rebelled against her teacher and reached high status, maybe even becoming one of Ionia's great leaders and receiving the Mantle of decorum Irelia and Karma have. 
Here's the first sketches


  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Heres what I was looking at as I sketched out my Idea 

    Here are the first sketches of this I will be exploring the design further 

  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Here are some thumbs, which do yall like? I kept her mantle the same because I really want to shape it after her crown in her classic. the changes mostly Focus on the bottom part of the garment but all feedback is awesome. Which do you like? maybe a combination?
    the Hair is not final or anything I just forgot to try some different stuff, maybe a braid?
  • ijur
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    ijur polycounter lvl 3
    I love the silhouette. I thought it was a veil, and that's awesome if it is, I don't recall any female champion wearing veil 
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    ijur said:
    I love the silhouette. I thought it was a veil, and that's awesome if it is, I don't recall any female champion wearing veil 
    a veil hmmmm inteerressting.
  • Innocent_Prime
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    Innocent_Prime keyframe
    Great idea. I would said the top of 3 for contrast and bottom of 2 because it's more recognisable. Her face is gorgeous and in the character.
    PS: Nice interview on DA.
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Great idea. I would said the top of 3 for contrast and bottom of 2 because it's more recognisable. Her face is gorgeous and in the character.
    PS: Nice interview on DA.
    Haha, thanks! I agree I think I like 2 best I going to explore a bit more! 
  • sugoilord
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    sugoilord triangle
    Careful with the silhouette, this is looking a lot like an Irelia skin or a Karma skin because of the floating backpiece.
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    sugoilord said:
    Careful with the silhouette, this is looking a lot like an Irelia skin or a Karma skin because of the floating backpiece.
    Well, that's kinda the point, if you haven't read my first description it'd help! :) The floating thing is a mantle given to exalted Ionians this is a skin wherein an alternative universe Syndra did not rebel against her teacher and instead mastered her powers and now serves Ionia as an honored member. I will make sure to distinguish her from her fellow Ionian counterparts as I explore further, thank you for the caution.
  • DawnHeart
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    DawnHeart polygon
    MenoOG said:
    Here are some thumbs, which do yall like? I kept her mantle the same because I really want to shape it after her crown in her classic. the changes mostly Focus on the bottom part of the garment but all feedback is awesome. Which do you like? maybe a combination?
    the Hair is not final or anything I just forgot to try some different stuff, maybe a braid?
    I'd go with number 1 but without that optional stuff :dizzy:
    Looks really gr8 btw I love that icon which is on you ideation (where Karma splash etc are). did you do it? will you use it on this skin?
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    DawnHeart said:
    I'd go with number 1 but without that optional stuff :dizzy:
    Looks really gr8 btw I love that icon which is on you ideation (where Karma splash etc are). did you do it? will you use it on this skin?
    I think I'm going to mix 1 and 2. Hopefully, I can get some stuff done soon XD. Are you referring to the middle icon thingy, I didn't paint it its riot's icon for Iona and I thought it was a good representation of Ionia's aesthetic so I do plan on incorporating it although not directly.
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    so I haven't done much but some terribly sloppy color palette and this rough sketch still experimenting with the details of the skin. Hopefully I'll have more to show on the next update.
  • Silvarspark
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    Silvarspark polycounter lvl 3
    I gotta agree, she could use a bit more resemblence to Syndra. I guess you'd have to attach the crest to her forehead.
  • TempestWorks
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    TempestWorks triangle
    This has a ton of potential! I agree that more of a head crest/ hairdo that is pulled up would look more like Syndra. Maybe look at Queen Amidala's (Star Wars) headdresses for inspiration? You are absolutely headed in the right direction with her back crest and clothing style.

    Excited to see more!
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Here's the messy color palette i experimented with and the final concept(although I've altered the mantle a bit.) I wanted the colors of Ionia to be present she needed some purple so she could have some trace of her original personality. for her sphere I basically took her purple and cleansed them becoming lavender purple.  
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    here's some thumbnail sketches I didn't reallize I didn't post them.

    here's what I did end up going for. I really liked this one because It presented her with the elegance Syndra has while giving off the feeling of contemplation; thinking about if this is the right path, you know every day sorceress things. 

    Here's a thumbnail painting I've been working on. it's a lot more rendered than your typical thumbnail. but I've been on vacation away from my computer so I've been using my laptop that can't handle large file, and ended up working on this when  was bored. Here's Syndra being dressed while contemplating her choices and life lol. My laptop which unfortunately has a pretty bad display so the contrast may be a bit off as well as color saturation. I wish i could of posted more while i was working on this but alas I didn't have an internet connection until now, as always comments and critique are very much wanted and appreciated.  Thanks!

  • TheIceWolves
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    TheIceWolves triangle
    Nice progress but it looks like the girl behind her getting all the attention  :D shes so cute lol
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Nice progress but it looks like the girl behind her getting all the attention  :D shes so cute lol
    hmm it's important that Syndra is the obvious main figure so i'll work on making sure the other girls don't call too much attention.
  • atanu2ghosh
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    atanu2ghosh polycounter lvl 3
    like the composition and specially the light source you are trying to depict in this composition...looking forward the next update...
  • o_oleu
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    o_oleu triangle
    love love this splash <3 
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    okay so here it is a bit further along, I've only sort of detailed one of the lanterns because I'm testing shapes currently, I shortened her long ass neck, and shrunk all of their giant heads. I also cleaned up and fixed some values and colors. I Added a fence thingy that leads to the staircase of an entrance. And finally, I Widened the canvas. The background girls are blurry right now because I haven't quite gotten to clean them up. OH and I also changed their dress colors because the red contrasted too much and with the green made it look Christmas-like lol.
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Here's it "Done"  I might be able to squeeze in more rendering but for now this is the finished piece. :)
  • Art_of_Chelly
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    Art_of_Chelly polycounter lvl 2
    I love this!! I've been watching you progress silently, and I really like how this ended up. Good luck to you!
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    I love this!! I've been watching you progress silently, and I really like how this ended up. Good luck to you!
    thanks! hey does the contest end today or tomorrow?
  • Art_of_Chelly
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    Art_of_Chelly polycounter lvl 2
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    @MenoOG it ends tomorrow!
    OMG thank goodness !!!
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Okay, I lied here is the final. I thought yesterday was the last day, still my day was super busy so Only got to do a bit more, anyways IT was a blast, LEARNED A LOT.
    I imagined this as the scene before a grand celebration for her sort of "graduation" where her helpers are adding the finishing touches. Surrounded by flowers gifted to her, she contemplates her new destiny and fate as a member of the Ionian Force.
  • Supradip
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    Supradip polygon
  • MenoOG
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    MenoOG polycounter lvl 6
    Supradip said:
    Looks great :)
    Thanks!!! :D
  • Innocent_Prime
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    Innocent_Prime keyframe
    Really nice. It's interesting you brought you own style to the splash. New LoL style?
  • Hipporit
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    Hipporit polygon
    Cool! Nicely done!
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