I made this character from a concept by Samuel Aaron Whitehead. Concept here - www.artstation.com/artwork/6awr It was made using Maya, ZBrush, Substance Painter, and Photoshop. 30K Polygons Rendered in Arnold
Hiya. Great hard surface stuff, but I think you're missing a lot of anatomical detail that's in the concept. The arms especially caught my attention. They are too short and cylindrical, imo. Would be helpful to take the concept art and draw the underlying figure to get a better idea of what his proportions are and where certain muscles begin and end.
Great hard surface stuff, but I think you're missing a lot of anatomical detail that's in the concept. The arms especially caught my attention. They are too short and cylindrical, imo. Would be helpful to take the concept art and draw the underlying figure to get a better idea of what his proportions are and where certain muscles begin and end.