select -r Jack:jack_ac_lf_elbowIK Jack:jack_ac_lf_index0 Jack:jack_ac_lf_index2 Jack:jack_ac_lf_index1 Jack:jack_ac_lf_index3 Jack:jack_ac_lf_middle1 Jack:jack_ac_lf_middle0 Jack:jack_ac_lf_middle2 Jack:jack_ac_lf_middle3 Jack:jack_ac_lf_ring3 Jack:jack_ac_lf_ring2 Jack:jack_ac_lf_ring1 Jack:jack_ac_lf_ring0 Jack:jack_ac_lf_pinkey0 Jack:jack_ac_lf_thumb1 Jack:jack_ac_lf_pinkey3 Jack:jack_ac_lf_pinkey2 Jack:jack_ac_lf_pinkey1 Jack:jack_ac_lf_thumb3 Jack:jack_ac_lf_thumb2 Jack:jack_ac_lf_elbow_bend Jack:jack_ac_lf_arm_bend Jack:jack_ac_lf_forearm_bend Jack:jack_ac_lf_clavicle Jack:jack_ac_lf_handIK ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_ac_lf_clavicle_offset ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_sk_lf_elbow ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_ac_lf_handIK_PH ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_lf_arm ;
select -tgl Pinta_labios_group ;
setAttr "lambert2_toggle_visibility_L.transparency" -type double3 1 1 1 ;
select -cl ;
select -r Jack:jack_ac_rt_middle0 Jack:jack_ac_rt_index0 Jack:jack_ac_rt_index1 Jack:jack_ac_rt_index3 Jack:jack_ac_rt_index2 Jack:jack_ac_rt_middle2 Jack:jack_ac_rt_middle1 Jack:jack_ac_rt_middle3 Jack:jack_ac_rt_ring0 Jack:jack_ac_rt_ring3 Jack:jack_ac_rt_ring2 Jack:jack_ac_rt_ring1 Jack:jack_ac_rt_pinkey1 Jack:jack_ac_rt_pinkey0 Jack:jack_ac_rt_pinkey2 Jack:jack_ac_rt_elbow_bend Jack:jack_ac_rt_arm_bend Jack:jack_ac_rt_elbowIK Jack:jack_ac_rt_forearm_bend Jack:jack_ac_rt_thumb1 Jack:jack_ac_rt_pinkey3 Jack:jack_ac_rt_thumb3 Jack:jack_ac_rt_thumb2 Jack:jack_ac_rt_armPole Jack:jack_ac_rt_handIK Jack:jack_ac_rt_clavicle ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_ac_rt_clavicle_offset ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_sk_rt_elbow ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_ac_rt_handIK_PH ;
select -tgl Jack:jack_rt_arm ;
setAttr "lambert2_toggle_visibility_R.transparency" -type double3 0 0 0 ;
showHidden -a;
select -cl ;
I want to do just one buttom instead of always click in one and then in the another one. I found some solutions but if the code is just one simple line, by example this:
string $sel[] =`ls -sl`;
for ($thisObj in $sel){
int $displaylevel[] = `displaySmoothness -query -polygonObject $thisObj`;
if ($displaylevel[0] == 1)
//Go to 3
displaySmoothness -polygonObject 3;
if ($displaylevel[0] == 3)
//Go to 1
displaySmoothness -polygonObject 1;
I just want to do a better workflow for turn on and off the limbs in every rig i working, in the most simple way
Thanks in advanced
// I've heavily commented the code below so you can see what I'm doing.
I see that you're also attempting to set the visibility for a shader's transparency. Not sure if that's really what your aiming for, but if so, you should be able to do that as needed in the If and Else statements respectively.
Hope this helps!