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Help! Uv offset'd textures not tiling together correctly when exported from maya to ue4

polycounter lvl 6
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PrajnaParamita polycounter lvl 6
I have spent a ridiculous amount of time tweaking textures in maya, for modular pieces of wall, to make them tile using the place2Dtexture node options as illustrated in picture 1(this took so long i am sick of this f***ing project because of it), so all looked well in maya (picture 2). I then exported to unreal engine and the tiling is all, for want of a better word, F***ed and not tiling (picture 3), how do i fix this so they tile?? please help me someone 


  • Axi5
    Offline / Send Message
    Axi5 interpolator
    You have basically panned your texture, you haven't actually manipulated your UVs.

    In Unreal create a panner node in the material editor and plug it into your texture node UV slot and test your values from Maya's place2DTexture in it. No point shouting, this is just how it works.

    Post back if you get stuck.
  • PrajnaParamita
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    PrajnaParamita polycounter lvl 6
    cheers for the reply and apologies for the shouting, i think i got the node setup correctly (picture 2 and the result in picture 3), but the other problem i have is that there are more than one piece sharing a texture so when i adjust the texture on one piece (so that it looks correct) the other pieces that share the texture are now misaligned (picture 1), do i get around this by assigning each modular piece their own material in maya? 
  • PrajnaParamita
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    PrajnaParamita polycounter lvl 6
  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    Yeah you need separate materials, but that would only be a quick fix and not a fix to the core problem. Also it would be wildly expensive for its purpose.

    The typical way to go about something like this is to uv map it so that it doesnt have to be constructed with a panner. And the walls will just line up perfectly.

    What do your uvs look like?
  • PrajnaParamita
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    PrajnaParamita polycounter lvl 6
    Many thanks for the reply, each individual piece has its own uv (pictures 1+2), which occupy the 0-1 space, i did this so i could bake on height maps around the lower coving/skirting board  and maybe layer the uvs so i could add dirt or grime should i fancy it (although i had modelled the bevelled edges into the top coving piece, so im not to sure why i didn't just do the same for the bottom, plus its meant to look like a well maintained gallery so the layered uv's aren't really needed)....anyway, do you suggest joining the pieces together and mapping them to the 0-1 space ?
  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    No keep things modular roughly as you have. Having everything fit into 1 UV map isn't a good way to go about things like this.

    I don't fully understand the purpose for why you've done the pieces like a jenga puzzle though, you can do the same thing with simpler geometry.

    You can have a texture map where your skirting board and wall are tiling horizontally, that way it's easier to position things.

    This image shows it well:

    Then you don't have to deal with the interlocking pieces.

    If you're clever with your UV mapping, you will only need the one material for all of your wall pieces. For example, your wall which does a U turn back on itself (or dividing wall/whatever), can have scaled in UVs horizontally, forcing the material to tile more along it since there is more surface area. You can line them up so that they're not distorted.

    I'll try and demonstrate more later
  • PrajnaParamita
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    PrajnaParamita polycounter lvl 6
    okay, got it!
    To be honest, i was going off of a youtube tutorial where the chap did the interlocking pieces (in blender), i never fully understood why this was necessary but i did it all the same, so i shall address that and make them squared instead of jenga'd.  
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