Home Contests & Challenges Archives Riot Creative Contest 2017 Riot Creative Contest 2017 - Narrative

RIOT CC 2017 [WIP] Narrative - Senna Shakata Reva'elk

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Special thank so to Evan Sylve and Anastasia Snyder for giving me the ideas and the support for forging through this contest.

"My Love,

It has been, what it seems, an age since I have seen the strength behind your eyes, the gentle touch from your iron hands, and the smile upon your face as you gaze through me. I know it is I who gave you strength and it is your continual hope to see me that drives you still. I am free, however, you and I are still shackled by the injustices within our country and even outside our nations borders.

I know you have questions, as did I. But what can you say when your backstory smacks you in your face?

While I was in prison, a dark-skinned man, over 4.5 cubits tall came to me. He called himself Dew'ane, Tehowm Elak - "The Abyss Walker." He heard my cry and stated that he was sent to free me. He gave me the option to be set free immediately or to stay a while longer, with him, that he may train me in divine combat... I don't know how long I was in prison... I am still trying to wrap my head around what time and season we're in.

I chose to stay and let me tell you, It was an education. He told me about my family, they came from some tribe, Zv... honestly it doesn't matter right now. What matters is I need to see you. 

I have heard stories far and wide about your gun techniques. You're about to get an upgrade. It's not enough to squeeze the trigger, you need the Divine Breath and Divine Strategy that accompanies it. I'm going to teach you how to heal yourself with every trigger pull called "Trigger Harmony." (You know how I love double entendres).

Come find me in Shurima. I'm helping the orphaned and the neglected. We've began an underground movement - a revolution of the people that will end the useless "justice" that seems to be infecting the nation. We need you. I need you. You'll find me where we met.

- Yours always, Dynajack.


  • GeneralSoundwave
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    GeneralSoundwave polycounter lvl 10
    This needs to be deleted.
  • GeneralSoundwave
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    GeneralSoundwave polycounter lvl 10
    "My Love,

    Lucian, my beloved, you are loved! It has been, what it seems, an age since I have seen the strength behind your eyes, the gentle touch from your iron hands, and the smile upon your face as you gaze through me. I know it is I who gave you strength and it is your continual hope to see me that drives you still.

    I am free! I know you have questions, as did I. However, silence grips you in the innermost parts when your backstory  you in your face? 

    Yet you and I share an improsonmet, one that I know you are well aware of. You and I are still shackled by the injustices within our country and even outside our nations borders.

    While I was in prison, a dark-skinned man, over 4.5 cubits tall came to me. He called himself Dew'ane, Tehowm Elak - "The Abyss Walker." He heard my cry and stated that he was sent to free me. He gave me the option to be set free immediately or to stay a while longer, with him, that he may train me in divine combat... I don't know how long I was in prison... I am still trying to wrap my head around what time and season we're in.

    I chose to stay and let me tell you, It was an education. He told me about my family, they came from some tribe, Zv... honestly it doesn't matter right now. What matters is I need to see you. 

    I have heard stories far and wide about your gun techniques. You're about to get an upgrade. It's not enough to squeeze the trigger, you need the Divine Breath and Divine Strategy that accompanies it. I'm going to teach you how to heal yourself with every trigger pull called "Trigger Harmony." (You know how I love double entendres).

    Come find me in Shurima. I'm helping the orphaned and the neglected. We've began an underground movement - a revolution of the people that will end the useless "justice" that seems to be infecting the nation. We need you. I need you. You'll find me where we met.

    - Yours always, Dynajack.
  • GeneralSoundwave
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    GeneralSoundwave polycounter lvl 10
    Omg. In all seriousness, some QA needs to be done on this website for the mobile version for iOS devices. It saves drafts just fine, but when you go in to edit posts, the buttons disappear to save changes.

    Then if you decide to cancel your changes, that buttons gone too. So that means you have to close the window out and/or refresh... but that doesn't guarantee that the post will go away.  

    A second bug will be that while trying to write a post, the buttons are like 2 miles away. I have to scrolllllllll down to see them.
  • GeneralSoundwave
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    GeneralSoundwave polycounter lvl 10
    Draft III

    "Lucian, My Love... My beloved!

    It has been, what it seems, an age since I have seen the strength behind your eyes, the gentle touch from your iron hands, and the smile upon your face as you gaze through me. I know it is I who gave you strength and it is your continual hope to see me that drives you still.

    I AM FREE!

    I know you have questions, as did I. But what can you say when your backstory rushes through your face like a black blizzard, saturates your heart, penetrates your marrow, and suffuses your spirit? I was... am still... in terrible awe. And yet that word does not convey what I have seen and where I have been... the past... the future... what I've learned and what I need to teach you.

    While I was in captivity, a dark-skinned man, over 4.5 cubits tall manifested before me - spirit, yet flesh. He called himself Dew'ane, Tehowm Elak - "The Abyss Walker." He heard my cry for help and stated that he was sent to free me from this living, misty-cerulean prison. He set before me the option to be set free immediately or to stay a while longer, with him, that he may train me in divine combat...

    (I don't know how long I was in prison... I am still trying to wrap my head around what time and season we're in).

    I chose to stay and let me tell you, It was an education. He told me about my family, they came from some tribe... Zv... honestly it doesn't matter right now. What matters is I need to see you. These weapons I hold, they are not from your time, but from a time where Xerath, Azir, Nasus, and Renekton are defeated. My Divine Rakav is made from the shards of Xerath! My Royal Caligraphy is imbued with the power of Azir, Nasus, and Renekton combined!

    I have heard stories far and wide about your gun techniques. You're about to get an upgrade. It's not enough to squeeze the trigger, you need the Divine Breath and Divine Strategy that accompanies it. I'm going to teach you how to heal yourself with every trigger pull called "Trigger Harmony." (You know how I love double entendres).

    Yet you and I share an imprisonment, one that I know you are well aware of. You and I are still shackled by the injustices within our country and even outside our nations borders. I can't tell if its the gods of this country or the gods of this world that have cast upon us a sense of backhanded illiberality. I'm helping the orphaned and the neglected. We've began an underground movement - a revolution of the people that will end the useless "justice" that seems to be infecting the nation. We need you. I need you. You'll find me next to the Seven Wells of Nasus where we met. .

    - Yours always, Senna Shakata Reva'elk
  • GeneralSoundwave
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    GeneralSoundwave polycounter lvl 10
    Had to add the finishing touches to the narrative.

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