Hello, everyone. I'm new to painting weights, thus having a hard time making my character not to deform when changing positions, intersecting meshes etc. I've seen a lot of tutorials and read about it, but still this seems to remain a mystery to me how to work with it once I try to apply what I've learned. Seems like it works ok once I painted on weights, change the position and it's a horror show. I really hope smb could give me feedback , advise, a tutorial for dummies.
The first pic is a sorta pulled in hip that i don't know how to make it look realistic: https://imgur.com/a/RTlAASecond pic is a squeezed neck once I turn it left/right
https://imgur.com/a/3CY2pProblems i'm facing: 1. Mesh deformation. 2. Trying to weigh multiple, dense, or overlapping meshes.
3. Unclear process for painting weights.
4. Unaware of additional tools to save time
Looks to me that hip problem is due to joint placement and neck is additive motion -> you have shared movement from more then one joints that share weights (neck1 + neck2 + head or what ever set up you have there)
I can give you some tips for painting weights :
- start from lowest layer (in your example his body is lowest layer then shirt and on )
this way you can save yourself a lot of time and headache ,once body weights are perfect you can transfer to other piece above and make adjustment if needed
- you need to follow some sort of hierarchy for example :
spine /pelvis/ legs /neck and head/ shoulder/arms and hands
this way weights are going in one direction and all unused bones are locked to prevent spill
- something preliminary : joint position is very important for good deformation so you might need to move yours quite a bit
+ you need some sort of range of motion chart (most anatomical atlases have those )or can take the pose yourself -> neck rotate +- 45-50 degree from mid line and leg abduction is 45-60 degree or if you are very flexible and can do split 90++
Here's the pic with the bones https://imgur.com/a/2RpK3 . I also thought maybe I placed them incorrectly, that's why it's weird looking.
Sorry for spam i couldn't resist ! Good luck with solving your problem!
No problem, Larry. Humor is what keeps the workflow going
No problem, Larry. Humor is what keeps the workflow going
No problem, Larry. Humor is what keeps the workflow going