Hey there, I'm Danny.
Not sure about I'm gonna end up painting and I'm not sure about the title either.
Polycount is cool. There's so many good entries it's pretty inspiring!
Here are some ideas for the illustration I'm gonna be doing. It's gonna be Soraka healing peeps with her ult. The dudes on her team is pretty random right now, but I'll try to tie them in. Apparently Warwick was in her lore so I'll probably insert him somewhere too.
Pretty wrong anatomically. Will fix it tho.
I'm a pretty big art noob, so you have crits they are ofc welcome! Also if anybody wants a critique on their submission, I'll take a look. Gotta be a part of the community after all.

And this was a sketch where there'd be a couple of assassin's trying to take Zoe down meanwhile she's playfully juking them. Might try to develop this further a bit.