Hi everyone,
here's an environment I've been working on for the past 2 weeks or so, it's a bar located in one of those run-down/poor districts in the future. I decided to make this scene to get more familiar with unreal and work on improving my modeling and texturing skills overall. I'll be posting more updates as I continue to work on them and hopefully, you guys like it
It still has a long way to go so any comments or critiques on how to improve are highly appreciated.

Yeah I was thinking I added too much volumetric fog too, I'll fix that stuff at the end
Thanks! these are all great points, I'm working on some props to populate the scene right now so hopefully it looks less empty at the end, also love the hologram stripper idea.
completely changed the lighting to give the scene more of that foggy morning look. also worked a little more on the alleyway leading to the bathroom and added some more props.I also added some TVs on the walls around the bar. looking back I'm not really sure which one looks better in terms of lighting but I think that this was the kind of mood that I wanted to achieve with this environment in the first place.
let me know what you guys think.
I made some more props and rearranged a few things.
thinking about removing this bar counter part altogether and replacing it with an entrance to an inside bar, it looks weird to me as it is now, let me know what you guys think
my project got corrupted for some weird reason and I haven't been able to work on the scene until these past few days, so progress has been halted a bit but I managed to change the things that I wanted to in a way that I'm happy with, it all still needs a lot of work, especially the lighting but I feel like it's shaping up good. I made a quick glitchy video to display on the wall, I didn't work much on it so I'll update it in the future, I also just realized that I had misspelled failure on there, so that'll get fixed, I also removed the bar counter area and added a stairway to an interior part of the bar, don't know if I'm gonna make that part yet, lastly, I made some more posters/wires and added more ground decals.
I made a few more meshes to replace some of the architecture. namely a software shop in the alleyway and an elevator entrance in the main bar area, I also added a bunch of video ads to give the scene a little bit more life, lastly, I added another set of modular pipes for the ground in the main bar area. I think I might not have that much free time left to work in this environment anymore so I might just fix a few things up and finalize the scene soon. let me know if you guys have any critiques/suggestions, feedback is always appreciated.
Finally managed to complete the project! I added/changed a lot since last time in terms of look and feel, I switched to convolution bloom in order to get those lens flare streaks on all the lights and adjusted the color grading, I also made a short video in order to showcase the environment here are some of the final screenshots. the rest along with the video can be found on my Artstation account here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aPdeL
and lastly here are some progress gifs I took of the environment from start to finish.