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Hearthstone Board - Zerg

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Phoenix995 polycounter
Hey :) 
one of my previews projects was a hearthstone board with terran buildings and units :)
now i want to do a Zerg version :)

here is an early mockup, just to see which units and buildings to use.

if you have any idea that would better fit the zerg board, please feel free to comment!



  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    So I loved your StarCraft one and this is awesome too, but (and bear with me here, I don't play a lot of Hearthstone so I may miss some of your reasoning) I feel like both the StarCraft one and this mockup don't actually integrate with the playboard very well? As in the StarCraft elements feel plopped down on a standard vanilla playspace, if that makes sense. I don't think you should go full on with the playspace being a field of creep, but I'd love to see tendrils and infestation looking elements protruding onto the more traditional bits, wrapping their way around the emblems in the middle and encroaching on the card space. Make it seem like the game is well on its way to being infested. 
  • Overmind5000
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    Overmind5000 polycounter lvl 11
    In regards to your mockup, the only think I can think of is replacing the roach warren with a more familiar zerg structure, like a hatchery, or a spawning pool.  You could also switch the placement of the Ultralisk and the Spire, so that there are units on opposite corners of the board, same with structures.  You did something similar with the Teran board anyways.

    That aside, I am looking forward to seeing how this turns out.  I can only imagine you'd do a Protoss version after this to make a complete set.
  • Phoenix995
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    Phoenix995 polycounter
    thanks for your comment!
    I think you are right, i will try to incorporate the infestation more into the playing field!

    thank you!
    yea i will change the roach warren, you are right, no one really knows it ^^
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'd definitely pull a bit more from the Zerg UI and infested terrain look on how to deal with the board and how it's integrated. Also look at some of the Heart of the Swarm in game cinematics and things like the evolution chamber. I like the idea of having a larva that you can click on to turn into an egg, that you can click on again to hatch. 

    Style wise, I'd look at Heroes of the Storm more than SC2, it would integrate better with Hearthstone. 
  • Phoenix995
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    Phoenix995 polycounter
    thanks for you comment
    yea i will try to get the board infested. those cinematics really are some good input, thanks!
    yea i already used heroes of the storm as an style guide for the other board, will do the same here!
  • Phoenix995
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    Phoenix995 polycounter
    update on the mockup:

  • Phoenix995
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    Phoenix995 polycounter
    spend some time on the overlord to see what level of detail i will need... 
    is this too detailed? what do you guys think?

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