I found this contest earlier today and decided to give it a go. Here is my initial idea going into this. Not sure what to expect but I'm optimistic this will challenge me quite a bit. I am going with a more fun concept,
So I looked at the pool party skins initially to get an idea of the color pallet and color schemes. Here is the moodboard I will be referring to:

Lots of warm bright colors, sunlight, water and all around a 'fun' atmosphere.
I picked Azir because he's a champion I quite like the design of. Although I don't play him too much, I like the idea of SHURIMA and I think it would work quite well in a Pool Party setting.
Here are the Azir skins that I will be looking at in order to make this idea work:

Azir is quite a powerful figure in all of these splash screens. He always has confident and striking poses. I aim to see how I can go around that and present Azir in a more lighthearted 'fun' way. Sort of like Azir on Holiday. He's had enough happen to him (betrayed by Xerath) and I think he deserves a bit of a break.
Here are some notes I made, I've been thinking of how to make this function in a way that's still original but thematic.

The plan now is to make some thumbnails and further explore how exactly I would portray this. My ultra basic concept is just something that hit me while I was thinking this over and I had to get it down. I like the horizontal idea, it opens up a lot of stuff I can do with his soldiers. Sort of like Azir having his own little party perhaps with the soldiers also being on holiday. I do want to look at some other things in case I might come up with a better idea.
Let me know what you think! Feedback and tips would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
SS SHURIMA HAHAHAHAHAH !!! this is one of my favorite idea
you can also do some of his soldier that touch water and get vaporazied by it ( sand plus + water ) or they are like super pussy and are super afraid to touch water ahaahah XD
Dear god, this thing is the best that i've ever seen!
I cant stop laughing ;D