it is supposed to be an old man, i made him out of my mind, the only reference i took was for the way muscles fall when you're old, i just wanna make sure everything is where it suppose to be in a human xD
hi, let me clarify what im asking is if the morphology is correct, he is like 5.9 feet tall, i mean are the knees where they souppose to be? Is the head the right size? are the arems and legs the correct length?
I'd reference this, but this is for average humans of ideal example
BEcause this is an old man, we need to know what reference you were thiinking of or imagining. It can look right, just depends on if you're going for a feeble old man or something else.
Adult humans are relatively 8 heads tall, and 2 heads wide.
But with old people, you got to take into account their bones are shrinking and that the loss of fat and damage from the sun causes skin to be looser. Even though I don't specialize in character art, I think you could push the design further to emphasize that's it's an old person.
thanks for the feedback guys!!! ill try to emphasize the features a lill bit, for my part i think his legs might look just i bit too muscular for a febble old dude
Hey @nico1984 It would help if you post some orthos to help us gett a better idea of whats goin on . I went ahead and took a screen shot of your dude from the front, in the turntable you posted. And as you can see right now your dude is about 6 heads tall, and roughly 1.5 heads wide. From there you can see the appendages arent appropriately shaped either. Next time you do this I would use reference and not focus so much on the details so you dont get bogged down so early. I would also change the material you work in as well as the focal length in zbrush. Helps you see things better.
Where is the concept art/reference?
i mean are the knees where they souppose to be? Is the head the right size? are the arems and legs the correct length?
BEcause this is an old man, we need to know what reference you were thiinking of or imagining. It can look right, just depends on if you're going for a feeble old man or something else.
But with old people, you got to take into account their bones are shrinking and that the loss of fat and damage from the sun causes skin to be looser. Even though I don't specialize in character art, I think you could push the design further to emphasize that's it's an old person.
It would help if you post some orthos to help us gett a better idea of whats goin on .
I went ahead and took a screen shot of your dude from the front, in the turntable you posted. And as you can see right now your dude is about 6 heads tall, and roughly 1.5 heads wide. From there you can see the appendages arent appropriately shaped either. Next time you do this I would use reference and not focus so much on the details so you dont get bogged down so early. I would also change the material you work in as well as the focal length in zbrush. Helps you see things better.