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3ds Max project folder dialog window default position

polycounter lvl 2
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Daywalker polycounter lvl 2
Hello, i was searching this string in 3dsmax.ini and didn't find it. I've found a lot of  variables like on picture below, but there is no traces of project folder's position


  • EliasWick
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    EliasWick polycounter lvl 9
    It's a bit difficult to understand what you are asking. Is the default position incorrect and what do you want to change it?
  • Daywalker
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    Daywalker polycounter lvl 2
    EliasWick said:
    It's a bit difficult to understand what you are asking. Is the default position incorrect and what do you want to change it?
    When i'm pressing project folder button, dialog window appears in strange position. Is there any way to set default position like on second screenshot?

    At this time i have to manually drag window up to press "ok". And i do this everytime when choosing project folder. Any ideas?)
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    general idea would be to identiy the setting and write-protect the ini file. i used to do that with 3ds max and the UV editor so it would open with the exact right dimensions and settings in the same spot on the second monitor. that one used it's own ini file however. not sure if applicable in your case.

    write protecting the main ini file for the program would surely not be the greatest idea ever. :)

    perhaps there are also background utilities for windows that monitor window names and can store and enforce preferences like the position?

  • Daywalker
    Offline / Send Message
    Daywalker polycounter lvl 2
    One thing I notice 3ds max saves the size of dialog window, but doesn't save position. And after comparing two versions of 3dsmax.ini (first version with one size of window and second with the other size) there were no changes in file. So I think that position and size settings is stored in another file.
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