Hello everybody! It's my first time participating here. It's been some years since I last played League of Legends, but I love the designs and splash arts so I wanted to try luck here!
I decided to do Tailor Camille, inspired by Victorian Fashion and Victorian scissors, but not doing it very steampunk-ish, because I think the concept fits her and I love everything related to Victorian era.

I just have some references and a first draft of the design. The thing is to mix the complexity and garnments of the scissors in the legs, with the "simplicity" of male fashion on the top. I'll continue working on it and try different combinations of clothes.
I hope you like it and good luck everybody!
Hi guys! I made some concepts and colour choices. I think I know which elements to choose and combine, but tell me your opinions in what you like, what not, suggestions or anything you think would be best!!