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Create a forum section for us Film and Vfx Artist

polycounter lvl 6
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absorbentghost polycounter lvl 6
Some of us focus on film and advert CG .Live action integration and CG ,would be great if polycount open those doors for us to meetup .


  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    I remember talking about this and the conclusion that was reached was: there's already overlap.

    Games and Movie pipelines are increasingly getting similar. You see people posting high poly sculpts in the 3D section even without the low poly/game ready mesh. There have also been art dumps where entire assets were rendered and composited in Mental Ray/Vray. That gave me the impression no one cares, just as long it's art.

    Of course, it's up to the Polycount Team if they want to make a separate distinction. 

    Edit: Also want to mention how fast VFX/Movie houses are starting to adopt real time workflows.

    Pixar have entire scenes from Finding Dory animated in real time. 


  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Theres an existing dedicated forum for VFX art at CGS i.e CGTalk...
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    There is an argument about PC being a much more intimate community.  CGsociety had a crap community compared to this last time I was there.  I actually get feedback here.  Not there.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Granted I'll not argue with you on that point Panda, I hardly ever visit much these days either sad too say as a longtime user. Back in the day CGTalk was a much more vibrant community IMHO, however their tech, WIP and gallery sections still attract a sizable crowd with a broad range of skillset from experienced hobbyest through to industry folks, so on that score I think a viable platform remains for those artists seeking advice or feedback. Anyhow will, for example's sake an 'alternative' worflow/pipeline PC sub-forum be any different in terms of gaining traction considering it's focus towards the interactive spectrum of the entertainment industry?
  • Eric Chadwick
    Some complain we have too many subforums, others complain we don't have enough. <shrug>

    If enough people asked for it, we might consider it.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Completely against this, OP, I'm sorry. Like the others pointed out, there's CG Talk, Cg Society, CGMeetup, CH forum and other bunch of general software focused forum such as Blender artists and etc.

    I think Polycount should stay game focused, PLEASE! Although if you want to share actual models, sculpt, artwork, scripts,animation related to CG live action work, it's fine but another subforum just for that??? Come on...

    One things I really liked about Polycount, is the kind of feeling of an actual community of recurrent and regular artists coming here to actually help, inform and give real feedback, critics and comments on your work/progress...Too many divisions and you completely lose grasp of that feeling. There's a few artists I use to see a lot coming here on General discussion back in 2012-13...I thought they had disappeared only to find out a few months ago they just stick to a few sub forums in which threads from the general discussion forums have been moved...

    I'm one of those which prefer the times when there were even less sub forums than now, the General discussion page felt so much alive...

  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    FYI an animation sub forum only got created after those folks posted lots of cool animations. So maybe if more of that kind of stuff is posted it will happen quicker.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    m4dcow said:
    FYI an animation sub forum only got created after those folks posted lots of cool animations. So maybe if more of that kind of stuff is posted it will happen quicker.
    I was thinking when I post my new art on here, what kind of category would it fall under.

    I've been making environments that run in real time but relies on ray tracing. So it's technically game art for being able to interact with it on my computer, but I aim on using it for TV/VFX production. In a way, it's very similar to cutscenes that exist in games. It's real time, but players have the control taken away from them.

    Meh, I just want to finally show everyone I've been working hard on my new portfolio so I assume they'll understand and ignore the specifics.

  • Eric Chadwick
    3D showcase is the place for that. 
  • DWakers
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    DWakers null
    Id definitely appreciate another sub forum. I feel a lot of artists who visit here aren't just Game artists and don't post their work, WIP or workflows because of this. I appreciate Poly-count is an intimate game-art community but the workflows overlap now.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    DWakers said:
    Id definitely appreciate another sub forum. I feel a lot of artists who visit here aren't just Game artists and don't post their work, WIP or workflows because of this. I appreciate Poly-count is an intimate game-art community but the workflows overlap now.

    They don't because there are already dozens of place where they can already do welcome live action cg art...?
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Blond said:
    I think Polycount should stay game focused, PLEASE! Although if you want to share actual models, sculpt, artwork, scripts,animation related to CG live action work, it's fine but another subforum just for that??? Come on...

    One things I really liked about Polycount, is the kind of feeling of an actual community of recurrent and regular artists coming here to actually help, inform and give real feedback, critics and comments on your work/progress...Too many divisions and you completely lose grasp of that feeling. There's a few artists I use to see a lot coming here on General discussion back in 2012-13...I thought they had disappeared only to find out a few months ago they just stick to a few sub forums in which threads from the general discussion forums have been moved...

    I'm one of those which prefer the times when there were even less sub forums than now, the General discussion page felt so much alive...

    Lawl, this is borderline stupid and Falsely Elitist. This is exactly why the reason why so much people stop posting on PC or coming here enjoying to enjoy the community and just stick on the WAYWO thread because there's just art there. It's impossible to come on the forum, without seeing some sort of discord or lame drama, general discussion being filled with thousand of non-relevant post create by the same 5 person again and again. 

     (Also you insist so much on keeping is art gaming related but you're using PC as as subreddit to create 600 tread about everything rather then sharing your art and getting feedback)

    But most importantly, just because someone is currently working in the movie industry doesn't mean he cannot gave really great advice and insight. Also what about the Game industry people working on CG cinematic then ? Because from your criteria, they are not game focus ?

  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9

    Odow said:
    Lawl, this is borderline stupid and Falsely Elitist. This is exactly why the reason why so much people stop posting on PC or coming here enjoying to enjoy the community and just stick on the WAYWO thread because there's just art there. It's impossible to come on the forum, without seeing some sort of discord or lame drama, general discussion being filled with thousand of non-relevant post create by the same 5 person again and again. 

     (Also you insist so much on keeping is art gaming related but you're using PC as as subreddit to create 600 tread about everything rather then sharing your art and getting feedback)

    But most importantly, just because someone is currently working in the movie industry doesn't mean he cannot gave really great advice and insight. Also what about the Game industry people working on CG cinematic then ? :)  Because from your criteria, they are not game focus ?

     Again, you and another one of your condescending comments...I've never insulted the guy, talked him down or belittled him...I merely expressed my opinions and feelings on the matter, I've stayed respectful and everything...

    But once again, you'd just have to come and try to act all white knight and shit, taking my comments, pushing it the way you want to and act all righteous and crap...

    '' (Also you insist so much on keeping is art gaming related but you're using PC as as subreddit to create 600 tread about everything rather then sharing your art and getting feedback)''

    Why this part? What the hell do you know about my art? My 
    professional life? What I do here? Have you EVER been on the animation thread?

    Whenever posting stuff in General discussion, it's always gaming-related, or 3d at least...

    By the way, I still have that absurd private message you sent me saying I'll never get a job if I post my thoughts here (even though, I was already working when you sent it to me). I even showed it to my workmates at the studio and they all thought it was completely inappropriate and we laughed the whole thing off since it was so uppity and ridiculous....

    ''Also what about the Game industry people working on CG cinematic then ? :)  Because from your criteria, they are not game focus ?''

    See, that message would be harmless but that fking little smiley you put here, it's all there to talk me down (AGAIN)....

    Hey, get off your high horse....
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I just come to PC for the art, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy when topics started to heat up and get spicy :p

    I say we have enough sub forums. The more subs we have, the more divided people will be / less responses per thread. If you have VFX, just post them on the animation sub, that'd be the perfect place for it. As for a non game-related art sub, this is a game-art forum. I'm not going to hop over to an electronic music forum and ask for a sub forum for heavy metal. Plus, if you post high poly, non game related models in the 3D Art Showcase, nobody is going to call you out on it, and you'll probably get some interest.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    You do realize the difference between attacking someone personally like you just did and saying that their statement here of " CG art as nothing to do on polycount because i want it to stay game related" is stupid right ? Because it is, even more coming from an animator, trying to ban people that could make you grow way better and faster, because they don't do gameplay ?

    Blond you're impulsive and you take everything so personally, which reflect as you being really young, so sorry if it ended up hurting you that much. But for your own sake,  Learn the difference between attacking someone, and criticizing someone they do or say. If your boss tell you what you just did is not pretty, do you go back at home crying that YOU are ugly ?
  • Eric Chadwick
    This isn't going anywhere good.  We get it, the two of you don't like each other. But take it elsewhere. Don't make us close this thread, or worse.

    We have a code of conduct, please read it. Thanks.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    I just come to PC for the art, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy when topics started to heat up and get spicy :p

    I say we have enough sub forums. The more subs we have, the more divided people will be / less responses per thread. If you have VFX, just post them on the animation sub, that'd be the perfect place for it. As for a non game-related art sub, this is a game-art forum. I'm not going to hop over to an electronic music forum and ask for a sub forum for heavy metal. Plus, if you post high poly, non game related models in the 3D Art Showcase, nobody is going to call you out on it, and you'll probably get some interest.

    ''The more subs we have, the more divided people will be / less responses per thread''

    This is what my comment should've been.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I'm also against this. There are already plenty of other sites for VFX/Film artists, but this is the only decent forum I know of for game artists.
    Anytime I'm searching for information or discussions on digital art, I always have to filter between which ones relate to VFX, and which ones are actually relevant to me as a game artist.
    I've always seen Polycount as a kind of haven in which all discussions are in some way relevant to my interests and career.
    And since almost everyone here works within that same field, it's always been a great place to get advice.
    Dividing and diluting that community would throw a wrench in all of that.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I guess i misread the first post or only read the subsequent ones and confused what the OP what asking for was a VFX thread ie: particle type work, simulations etc... which if there was a lot more of that stuff being posted could warrant it's own thread.

    There is quite a bit of overlap of techniques between film and games these days but for something like live action integration there is so much work that has to happen in the pipeline before you even get to that point that I doubt there would ever be enough of that sort of work posted to warrant a sub thread. TBH I don't remember ever seeing anything like that posted anywhere on PC, I have seen questions about offline renderers every now and then but that is easily handled by technical talk.

    Polycount is definitely game/realitime focused and has welcomed folks from outside of that (just saw some archviz stuff on the frontpage) but you can't expect a section to be made for something that no one has ever posted.

  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    I don't see anything wrong. There are artists here that work in ArchViz. I was in film/vfx when I joined here (like 3 times. The very 1st time I joined, I was in QA in games, then came back years later).

    It's similar to any other forum, just more focused in games, because of its history. I don't think there's a need for a film thread or a CG thread.

    *I never posted any of my vfx stuff here, just because it didn't really relate to 3D art like compositing or rotoscopes. It might relate a bit on animations, but I was more focused on environment art.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    That' what I meant in my post. 3d modelling is 3d modelling, no matter what. Posting hi-res sculpts, models, textures, pre-rendered environement is completely fine and goes into ''3d showcase'' but creating a subforum for Compositing, Tracking and Roto/Keying stuff..that's diluting the focus like the other said...
  • EarthQuake
    There is no requirement for artwork posted on Polycount to be exclusively game art. It's a community that grew out of the gaming mod scene, so that tends to be what people focus on, but artwork related to film is absolutely welcome and encouraged!

    Many of our members dabble with content creation and rendering techniques that are closer to what is seen in film production than it is to games. Additionally, the gap between what we're doing for games and film is closing every day, so many of the skills and techniques overlap.

    We have 2D/3D/Animation sub forums, not to mention Tech Talk, where it is perfectly acceptable to post film centric work or ask for advice. If you're working on a cool film project, pick the most relevant sub forum and post it! There is literally nothing stopping you.

    The content of Polycount is not dictated by some higher being. Polycount is the sum of its parts, it's what our users post. So if you want to see more film related content, post it! Encourage people who are interested in the same things to post here as well. It's as simple as that.

    Here's a cheat sheet for figuring out where to post your artwork:

    1. Is it film or games?
    • Film - doesn't matter
    • Games - doesn't matter
    2. How many dimensions does it have?
    • Two - post in 2D art
    • Three - post in 3D art
    • It's a mix - how many dimensions does the primary focus of the work have? Answer that and see #2 again
    3. Does it move around
    • No - see #2
    • Yes - but this is not the primary focus of the work, see #2
    • Yes - the movement is the primary focus, post in Animation

    It's true that we don't have sub-forums for rotoscoping, particle effects, LOD creation or matte painting, but that's because these generally fall under one of the major sub-forums. We try to keep things as simple as we can, the more permutations there are, the more complex it is to figure out where to post, and the more we fragment our community. If we were to add sub-forums for every niche, we would simply be carving out dead sub-communities for artwork to go unseen.
  • maverickhornet
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    maverickhornet polycounter lvl 9
    I'm working in Film/VFX and I just post in 3D Art Showcase and Critiques still... Seems perfectly fine to me! There is little difference between film and games these days. Especially now as film as started to used Substance!
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