Hi! New to this site and the contest...
I love the Nordic mythology and it's history... I'm writing a fantasy book inspired by this theme and in general I love the aesthetic of ancient Nordics.
That said I have always wanted to play Olaf but have felt that his skins, cool as they were, just didn't do it for me... It felt not really like it embodied the Nordic myths the character was probably inspired by...
So I want to create a new skin for Olaf, inspired by the great, the wise, the far seeing and crow talking, all-father Odin! But Olaf will not be Odin. Simply "borrowing" his powers... I've also written a short story about All-Father Olaf as a starting point to help me envision him and understand his motives more... I will add it later...
I am greatly inspired by actual historically accurate medieval and Nordic armor and clothing while trying to give it a majestic, godly and fantastic flare!
I will add my first reference board for the style and character and the second for his face... I was looking for someone that can both look bad-ass while having a more mature and wise look... So I feel I made the right choice! ^_^ (obviously he won't look exactly like him, this is more of a reference, starting point...)
I will upload some of the different sketches and poses later on...


The axes I rendered in a simple win 10 3d paint
Also fixed the Elder's angle and general comp...