Hi everyone a i have huge question mark in my mind.Right now i'am character artist in a volunteer animation project.And there will be fully dynamic cloth simulation in the project.I already sculpted the character and now i'am at retopo stage.The problem is i made clothes via Marvelous Designer and it gave me clothes with folds and wrinkles.Then i thought it may cause some problems at simulation stage.This my first question can i simulate non flattened(clothes with wrinkles and folds in default state) clothes without problems.If the answer is no here is the second question.What is the proper workflow and topology(quads or triangles?) for simulating clothes.I already tried morphing the clothes to flattened version, unwrap then morph back in 3ds Max.This leads me to another problem which is only way to sew cloth pieces in 3ds Max is Garment Maker modifier and it is only working with nurbs and give me triangulated mesh which is makes unwrapping uv's impossible for me.Third question is if Maya and other softwares have any feature like sew in MD while keeping Uv's?
Have a nice day everyone.