Hi guys, I am making a creature for my portfolio which represents my current skill in zbrush and to practice zbrush 4r8 a bit. Been doing it for a while now here it is in wip stage.

Sculpting will take some more time to complete. After this i will be making a game res and texturing it. I thought its in a good stage to get some helpful feedback, so created this topic
Looks good so far, the claws look weird compared to the ingame model but they're like your model on the concept image so I don't know.
Keep up the good work
For the claws, I am using the concept as the main reference, I still kept the game res image just to get some ideas
Tectonic said: Thanks dude
This method should work fine for me, I will try it out. Thank you!
I am really inconsistent with my personal work. I Need to be more disciplined
If its just for a render, its here ^ you have to click the BPR button for it to show up though.
The composite approach might be the best if you want the details to show up also, and i hear fiddling with the jellybean material with this setting might help also. So best bet would be to do a composite, recently I've been on some kick where i have to have things be in the render, so nearly real-time, otherwise to me it feels a bit fake. That is just me i am an odd one so do as you wish.
Wings have to be a separate subtool for the transparency to work, if i miss understood your request for help, sry.
Also loving the details i am glad you took on this design i always loved his works and glad to see one re-created in 3D looking forward to more.
btw How do you achieve translucency in real time? I tried to do it in Unreal in my last project but it didn't look good. I had to settle for sub surface maps and AO. Here are some screenshots of the final output https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1nkbeZ.
Screenshot of my last translucency attempt in UE4
Nice looking renders (to me) on the wings transparency. <can try same for the wings. ^what i say about the alpha map.
(did it myself video posted soon, irl changed to nvrmnd so i went ahead and did what i said above and added some pizzazz.)
okay hopefully this works if not let me know:
Do not think i will share it right now, but just giving you an idea of what can be done. (i like it) Description: its a whole object with the sides cut, i did that cause i wanted to get both shines on the wings as i feel it added a good amount of depth to it and flesh in general. Says H! and DC.
& obviously by the screenshot as with everything i got it looks 100X's better than that video sadly.
Got to love you-tube updating their explorer and forcing users to update when they don't want snoioping,bs on their machines, oh well thankfully i didn't get hooked like other people, nothing of importance was lost.
Glad you like my stuff. For the cloth I used emessive, ao and sub surface to get the sunrays thing.
This red material looks quite good really like how the normals and alpha look toghether, I think it should work for my wings (is it marmoset?). Do post a breakdown of it when you get the time though. I am quite far from texturing stage atm.
Have no idea about what's up with youtube, the video you attached in imgur is looking fiine!
Like the way your sheet of cloth came out i was thinking about it while checking it out the 1st time and was like is it just a 1024 with an amazing alpha, seamless tiling? cause that might work really well. I got a few ideas for cloth now, might give the idea a quick run.
Yea i like this piece you are making looks like you are really going in on it. Yes is marmoset, all my "quick", ideas like this fog and gems are marmoset. I sit here trying to figure out the stuff so i can learn how this stuff works more and what tricks i can get away with. Fixed it a bit more on the station, if anyone wants to see it, i want to do a lot more to it but, other things going on atm.
I really should just release the info on all of them already, trying to use them before hand
Youtube changed something once again besides pretty much silencing everyone under the sun and making way for main stream trash like news stars to take over the site, telling them constantly its going to kill their site but they don't care. Anywho, can't wait to see more when you get around to posting again.
On the project I made some more progress on the weekends, Added details on all the remaining wing parts. I am feeling good about how it came out but also feeling like I am adding unnecessary details
More cool renders!! This time a different material
Also, these are the references I am using for wings
I am hoping the gradient filter in substance painter gives me a similar result, when I start texturing this.
Tried the same gradient map thing on the last renders I took to check whether the details from back and side are sufficient.
The render are low res atm. I saw a tutorial on how to get high res renders so will be doing that this weekend
Also made an attempt to pose the sculpt but not entirely happy with it. Posing is more challenging than I expected, might do it properly when I create the low poly version of this.
Had to increase the cavity by double to render the material cavities correctly in high res.
I might make translucent wing renders to for the back and side view as well.
Fantastic work, keep it up!
Also, I am glad u liked the sculpt.
I decided to document the process in this gif as it might help someone out.
Current retopo progress. Completing the body took a lot of time as I had to quad draw it in maya from scratch. Wing arms are all done, zremesher helped a bit on them but around 50% still had to be done manually .
Some of the areas look a bit too poly dense at the moment. I have done this so it is easier to bake them I might reduce them after I am satisfied with the bake. Also While working on the retopo I realized that the baking process will not be easy for this because of sculpt artifacts and polys which are close to each other. It might require a lot of editing in photoshop.
After both the wings are completed I will move to legs.
Found some time to complete the low poly 😀.
Before heading to UVs did some test bakes with Auto Uvs to make sure that there is no mismatch between low poly and high poly,
Initially I was trying to do the bakes in designer, but switched to marmoset later after one of my friends suggested it to me. Marmoset bake tools are awesome!!
Yo really looking good will keep my eye on this goodjob on the renders and details!
@Sora123 Thanks dude! I have been making slow progress on it.😀
The bakes are really clean! Keep it up. Why not continue using auto uvs? I assume you are not going to texture it in photoshop? :)
@Grubber Hi Grubber I decided against using the Auto UV's cause they are really messed up. It will be difficult in case I want to do some adjustments in photoshop, and sometimes they do introduce some seams in the diffuse map. Also, I want to make this a game asset, so Uvs will matter in that case.
Ok. Thank you for explanation. Will be waiting for more progress :)
Niiiiice, I like it.