Finished Piece:

Final design:

I'm joining the riot contest for illustration, and I'm choosing to do a "Jayce God of Thunder" skin idea wich is heavily inspired by an obvious marvel superhero.
I want it to have a resemblence of Thor but in a way that would actually fit the character and the artstyle of Riot so I'm debating between these designs for the armor and the weapon.
I would love to know wich design you guys prefer.
Any advice or opinion about other thing that crosses your heads would be really appreciated too.

Just my two cents, though. Keep in mind I'm no big fan of Thor.
May do some changes but it'll work for reference.
D with a darker background could be nice.
C, it looks like he is wounded, dodging something or attempting to do the splits. Joke aside, It doesn't match the badassery/chivalry of the other thumbnails.
A, is awesome. Does a god need two hands to rise is hammer?
Yeah he's fighting something that's not showing in C and he's being pushed back.
Given that the character of jayce is always grabbing his hammer with both hands I wanted to maintain that in some cases.
Anyways here's what I've got so long, I started doing line art and base colors, I'll be taking care of lighting next, after that I'll see if I can do a little more for the background.
Haven't posted much of the process because I thought it'd be boring to see just render, so instead I made a GIF showing the process which is always fun to make.
I don't think I'll keep working on it, so thank you all for helping with the creative process of this piece, you've been really helpful and this was a really fun experience!
Amazing work btw, you have a great chance of wining!
(also agreed, very attractive man right there)