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[RIOT CREATIVE CONTEST 2017] Character Art - Immortan Urgot

So...I'm going to take a stab at this contest.. The idea is to do an Immortan Joe x Urgot.. Trying to be able to maintain the main abilities of Urgot. Thing is, I don't want to make him too serious. As in, I'd like to find the humour in both of them, maintain a bit of the ridiculous in the final piece.

I want to replace the legs of Urgot with the Gigahorse, or at least do a version that can read at a distance... I haven't done too many characters with one 2k map so the challenge will be to find a way to design him so that he reads well from a distance, yet, also retains the visual qualities that keep him rooted in the LoL universe. He really only has one leg, which shooould give me a bit more room to texture his legs properly..

I'm also going to consider all the attacks that Urgot has, and to try to keep the mad max inspired skin so that he can actually still do his main attacks. 

I want to incorporate milk...somehow.

I don't know how to treat his gun arm yet. Oh dear. Maybe that'll be a big milk bottle. How does one make an automatic milk bottle ..hrm.. I'll upload a visual soon.


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