Sup guys,
I recently received some reviews on my portfolio saying that I have some good technical skill, but there's nothing that stands out in there as super interesting. Looking through my portfolio, I realized how cool it would be if someone took a violin and separated the neck, and made it into a makeshift weapon. So, here we go!
I took the violin I modeled 2'ish years ago, got rid of the body, and am in the blocking out stage. The wire is going to obviously be the violin string, and we'll have some random block of wood providing the stability so the neck doesn't snap when it's prepped.


Booked the day off work, worked on a little bit of Skyrim, and then decided to continue on this. I created the clothes peg contraption to release the bungee, used bent nails and a tuning fork to hold the arrow down, and for the forestock, I am using an antique chair leg. I've decided that a violin would be too small, so the instrument head will be that of a cello.
Texturing so far. Still a decent way to go. I know the tape is penetrating the mesh a little, will fix that after texturing.