I honestly don't really think I could actually compete with the massively talented and hardworking artists here but I think I could get some really valuable feedback. So I'm a Nami one trick that happens to draw periodically. I like pretty much all of her skins except koi. The general aesthetic of it is nice but, when I look at it I don't think 'Koi Fish'. Decided to try my hand at making a splash/reimagining the skin with more Japanese influences and making Nami's colors and design seem more like a Japanese koi.
Will probably make a solid reference for her 'armor' and staff later.
I like the concept of support being a caretaking role and I want the posing to reflect that. Nami is always referring to her quest and people when she's played in the game, alongside her lore. I think she would take solace in spending some time just somewhere like a Koi pond or a river to sit with the fish.
