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Multiple submissions - WIP

Yo guys, there's quite a lot of time for the contest so I'm planning on doing more than one submission. I made a list of potential skin ideas, and I'll be posting thumbnails or whatnot of process. I'll probably thumbnail a lot of things I won't actually do in the end.
Anyway, here's the first batch:
Idea 1 is pinata yasuo & teemo. Pretty simple tbh (maybe too simple.) It's just yasuo with a stick and a blindfold, and teemo as the pinata. I feel like this would fit both the characters and be fairly amusing (yasuo hitting people with his stick and teemo making bombs that blow up into candy).
The first 2 are basically my initial idea, the second batch are more generic poses I could use.

Idea 2 is paintball graves. I feel like it'd be a nice looking skin, and it fits his concept. As far as the gun design, these guys made something similar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsTlpMPWHlA but I'm trying to make it fit with his design.

Anyway the only thing I have now is potential poses and composition
So next step would be figuring out costumes, lighting, color etc.


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