It's my first time entering this challenge, and I'm just 14 years old, but I still really wanted to at least participate in this contest.
I still haven't got sketches, but I'll make them soon enough.
So, my main ideas for skin concept splash arts are those (for now) -
•Love dove Anivia
•Love dove Kayle
•Newspaper Tristana and Teemo
•Underwater Zoe
•Runewars Cho'gath
•Burgot (Burger + Urgot)
•Reindeer Soraka
I'll update this as much as possible, and I'll add some references (with sketches) later.
I also got a question - how much of W.I.Ps do I need to upload, and should I upload them on one topic or should I make as much topics as there are WIPs?

EDIT- Few tries on quick sketching - Reindeer Soraka, Love dove kayle and Newspaper Tristana. I think I'll try to do Reindeer Soraka first.
Oh heck, I drew them too thin ;-; I'll fix it