Hello hello. I thought about a lot of ideas, preferably illustrations to do with the Warring Kingdoms line, but I finally decided I wanted to try and recreate Guqin Sona's splash art.
I'm a little busy with college so updates will be slow but here's some thumbnail sketches. I'm going to try adding some values so deciding which one to go with will be easier. Stay tuunned

Some value studies to help me decide which one to go with better. I'm leaning toward A, D and E, but what do you guys think?
I thiiiinkkk we're getting there...Someday we're gonna get to rendering this boys, I swear we are
Hey guys!
A recent family death set me back on this contest a lot. Idk if I'll finish in time but I'm definitely going to do my best to finish as much as I can. Here's an update!