I’m thinking I’ll use AMs Stewart rig. Hope to have some actual progress to post soon!
UPDATE : It was a struggle to finish things up, but I had a great time working on this! Seeing everyone else's inspiring work was huge in helping to push me across the finish line.
Cheers everyone!
Thanks guys! It was definitely fun making some viking gear.
For some added context, the character is meant to be played as a support. The idea is that he uses rune magic to throw down shields and buffs for teammates, while occasionally firing off some ranged offensive spells.
I started on some run tests to feel things out bit. League characters move around pretty slowly, so a slower tempo run would probably mesh more in game. I did mess with one quicker sprint speed as well though, since he's kind of a wiry little guy.
Feedback is welcome, and thanks for taking a look!
- Jim
Thanks for the feedback on the runs! The stumble is an awesome idea. I ended up going more simple with the fidget though... wasn't sure I could execute on him tripping over himself with the time I have left.
I ended up going with him holding the shield high and leaning way into the run. I added an occasional look around fidget to help sell that he can see where he's going.
I'm about ready take a break from the run and move over to the recall for a while. More to come soon hopefully!
Here's where I'm at with the recall.
The overall timing and poses need lots of love. I'm still trying to prove the idea out before I get into any kind of polish. Also, I plan on adding some runes to the mix at some point.
Any feedback you guys can toss my way is appreciated!
I like the fact that your character put a lot of effort to pull the shield with his sword, and the way he come back to the scene after the recall is really cool!
Keep it up!
It was tough to get back to work on this thing after holiday break and I didn't end up posting as many progress updates as I'd have liked. In an attempt to play catch up, here's a process compilation for my recall animation: