Hey I'm working on an environment based on a fan art piece from Jeremy Fenske
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nLY0KI'm currently a good way into the project, I'm still trying to make my trees not look awful, more vines and such as seen in the concept art, and finishing off the "hero" assets those being the guardian the cathedral and the broken column.
Also, I can't seem to find a way to transfer the normals from a half sphere to my tree branch cards in 3ds max, I'm using 2018 and I haven't found a script that works with this version
All critique and comments are welcome this is my first full-blown environment ^^
(PS: where can I upload high res pics? Imgur seems to cap at 1207x689)
Here are some pics
Little gif of the environment ^^
As for the vegetation i'm going to do photoshop pass when the atlas is finalized