I started to use unity and I am facing a problem, with unity baking sync. I am aware to uncheck the tanget and triangulate it when exporting the fbx and in SP I check compute tanget. so in unreal looks perfect and it syncs well. but in unity give me a bad result.
so I am not sure what exactly the problem.
I even try to bake in marmoset in unreal it's fine and perfect but in unity not
Marmoset :

Unreal :

in unreal looks fine.

in unity got weird shading its like not sync well.
so is there something missing?
(I attache the file)
unreal - unity
SP Baking :
unreal - unity
so anyone give me why this happen
I am using one smoothing group for the cube. is it unity support Mikkt? I read that they already support it since 5.4
but as you can see in the image when I bake it in marmoset. Unreal give the same result as marmoset but in unity, it's totally different.
(I am aware of the Y+ for unity and Y- unreal )
so the question: is unity support Mikkt?
The normal map you made seems to have sides that don't match.
the only thing I can conclude is unity not support Mikkt or doesn't act well and it's not similar with mikkt in unreal.
so, after I have a discussion in discord with @JedTheKrampus I learned good new things.
all the problems were between the vertex and pixel shader .
in the image it shows what I mean :
Unity :
so yeah, now I get all the points
thanks guys.