Any fans of the show on here? Just finished binging season 2 and, just like season 1, it was amazing. I have some gripes with it, just like I do with most shows, but that doesn't take away from just how well the show was made.
I think seeing the monsters less was more effective in keeping me intrigued and scared in the first season, but in this season we got to see them way more frequently. It took away from the mystery and eeriness of the creatures. They went from being monsters which hide in the shadows to weird dogs that are bulletproof. At the end of the season, when Hopper heads into the lab with Eleven, it annoyed me when he said he'd take the demodogs and she should stay behind, because up to this point, guns barely did anything to the creatures. They obviously hated heat, why didn't someone think to make a make-shift flame thrower? They even had flame throwers in the lab, that should have been their primary weapon.
The main monster was pretty cool, and I really liked how you don't get to see him clearly at all (unless he literally is just a giant storm made of tentacles). It was a bit lame that the kids were able to figure everything out from D&D though. I thought that them figuring out that every demodog would die when the gate was shut was somewhat farfetched. Also, if I was the main doctor, I would have just put Will into anesthesia, and then napalmed the hell out of the tunnels.
As for the characters, Noah Schnapp, the actor who played Will did amazing acting as he was possessed. Also, Joe Keery (Steve) won everybody's hearts and I'd say he takes the cake as my favourite character in this season. Winona did a pretty good job acting for her character, but she is getting a little bit annoying as it doesn't seem like she's gotten any character development ever since Will went missing in season 1. I'd give props to every actor, they all did such a great job.
Eleven's nosebleeds became a bit old after a while, it would have been nice if it only happened when she tried really hard. Also, I feel like the child scribbling dark and scary images with crayons is getting a bit old in the horror genre, and when they pulled that card with Will, I admit I rolled my eyes a bit.
Anybody else have any thoughts on this season?

What do you feel like they could have done better to integrate the purpose of episode 7? They needed Eleven to grow as a character by the time she came back still, and I think that's what Episode 7 provided at least, as disconnected as it felt from the main plot.
I think keeping Eleven away from other characters for so much of this season was a mistake. It also had a side effect of making Mike really unlikable because all he did was whine about missing her.
I thought it was definitely a fun show but I think they would have been better off starting a new story with new characters for an anthology style show. That sense of discovery was completely lost this time around, and seeing these same characters in these bizarre situations over and over again loses impact. Still good though.
@Shiniku An anthology style show would have been amazing. Would have sucked to say goodbye to some of the characters, but it would have opened up more mystery again.
How did they put the map together?
How did the pieces fit, he was wildly scribbling and any piece could have gone with the others. It would have been better if he drew a map on a wall or the floor and they had to figure out what it meant instead of trying to piece random scribble-noise together.
I'm hoping they can get back to some new mystery machine to ride for season 3. In S2, the characters more or less knew the routine, the suspense was still good, but nothing like it was in 1.
The most unrealistic thing about this show is how smart and brave those kids are.