Updated Recent Concept:

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Hello! Wanted some critique mostly on design and color or if you think it's alright!
This is not properly render/shaded colors, not until I can be satisfy with the colors. Thank you for your time, sorry if my English is not good!!
Also her arm look to short and her lower hip to wide from anatomical stand point , maybe just maybe she is bow legged or her legs are too straight
Hello! Thank you for critique. i updated here, yes I do! In short,
- she's a werewolf (reason for ears)
- changed up the bandages now less of it but the reason she haves it is because she does not like for people to see her burn scars. Would this be better change?
-Fixed her arm length, hips and her legs.
I guess I should of given more information.
-She's a fighter
-very wild personality.
-weapon of choice is usually swords
And her fists/kicks
Also would the colors be fine then? I hope this was helpful info.
About colors you can have some fun with Kuler :(there are pre made examples or you can make your self color scheme , as her hair is biggest thing my suggestion is to take it as a main color)
I'll be working on the colors and shading now! So far I do like the colors she have right now, I will tweak is as I go along with the back and side and others. Kuler is pretty sweet! Thank you!
- Why does she have a collar? It seems dog-like and you said she's a wild wolf
- As cool as it looks, her hair seems like it would get in the way a lot when fighting, especially with close range combat and swords. This kind of long hair would make more sense if she was maybe a ranged mage or something. Idk, just throwing out ideas
Hope this helps a bit1. For her Collar, It's story related, basically her soul is in that collar so taking it out basically makes her like a blank doll. Since having it as a baby she actually does not mind it so much. Enemies do actually make fun of her for it so It does feel like a weakness.
2. I actually went and did quick doodles of different designs for her hair after what you said but...
After a bit of struggle, I was thinking of the intense scene I want to do with her 3D model. Something similar to the image above.
I tried to picture her with short hair and making the coat do the exaggeration but sadly I only feel the exaggeration with the long hair.
A lot of fight scenes, her hair would give her great wild feeling, flying in the wind, like that of a barbarian. I'll take the risk with the fantasy feeling as she haves fantasy fights and not realistic ones.
Thank you still so much! If in the 3D model I get different feeling I might go with the short hair. For now, long hair!
Thank you so much for the critique I hope what I said its understandable! : D
Why don't you make rough 3d block out - concept sculpt to be sure that current design work in 3d nothing fancy just big forms ?
Sorry for late reply to everyone! Because of Hurricane Maria, I have no power at home so I'm limited to work 30 mins at my workplace sometimes.
I worked a bit more on the drawing sorry! I will block her out soon! I live in Puerto Rico and because of hurricane Maria I have no power at home to work on her 3D on Zbrush since it drains more battery so I stick with Photoshop for now. (I work on her at my workplace during lunch time roughly 30 mins )
Thank you! I render the drawing more to a final piece!