Latest Update:
Hi! The last time Riot made a contest I didn't know anything about 3D modeling. Now year and half later since I started learning finally have the chance to participate!
I'm gonna be working on a visual update to our old little mummy. After 7 seasons I think it's time for our friend to be part of the fluffy style Riot has been establishing for the Yordles. It's gonna look completely different from the human style he actually has but I will try to keep some features so we can still recognize the essence of the Sad Mummy.
Even when I don't draw full time I spent this day trying to figure out the design. I gathered some reference based on two words: Yordle and Shurima. At the end this is the result:
I'll be making changes as I go. At the end I want Amumu to be another member of Yordle's family. Hope you like it!
I think the head might be a bit big though, even for a yordle. Its also sitting very high up compared to the body, there must be a tiny giraffe neck hiding under that poncho :P
I misread your concept somehow because I initially thought he only had one arm, while the other was just a nub with a bandage hanging off of it for his Q. Silly me, still nonetheless excited to see how it turns out. Keep this in mind though with the bandage on his back. Riot originally gave the Updated Poppy a red scarf that would hang off the back of her in her rework, but it had in-game readability issues because of the size of Yordles.
Love the concept. Glad to see someone's looking out for poor Amumu
@yararstss I'm glad you think is cute
@lotet Thank you! I was thinking the same actually but wasn't sure XD
@Howling Carnage I didn't know that about Poppy's rework
@Jager Thanks a lot! poor Amumu needs some love!
I am craving some Amumu love now! Although I might die from his sadness, but I am willing to do that (Giant Hug to the adorable furry Mummy!)
Just remember to keep him super depressed. lol
@henrykuh I'm happy you fell in love with my idea hope to fulfill the expectations!
@jonjon Thanks! I tried to bring a unique look to Amumu compared to the other Yordles. I did it because of silhouette and also because it tells you a little bit about his personality and character
@PeterGandia Sure! I will try to make him look sad but also shy and with lack of confidence.
@Motenai Thanks! I will be tweaking the proportions based on the feedback I received.
@Enalrem I'm happy you consider it your favorite even with all the amazing submissions!
@TouijriHamza Thanks! I tried to add some variation to the bandages
@Snakes Thanks! I'll be happy to keep posting!
Well this is my second update! I tried to apply your suggestions. I changed the proportions quite a bit making the head look smaller. I had more bandages to the character! he was lacking of bandages for being a mummy
I think I'd keep some triangular tears in the bandages here and there and make sure the thickness of the strips is slightly reduced. This will really sell it as "old fabric" rather than what could look like a woolen scarf. Keep it up man! Looking forward to seeing more
It seems to me, as lotet said, that the face is too flat.
Also, regarding the design of the character, I suggest trying one ear in the bandages to break the symmetry and add more uncomfort/sad feelings to the mumu. The bandages are too uniform, they have the same width all over. It's striking especially on the sides.
The hanging bandages and hair strands are a really nice touch. Nice work on the hands too.
This is the link of my work if you have time and look at it, i will be happy.
I think I can finally call the high poly done I changed the ears position so it's easier to retopo and rig. Also I did some modification on his Shurima's ornaments so it looks more interesting and complex. I took the suggestion of adding some damage to the bands and armor and I really like the result. Some small changes here and there but I' gonna stay with this I tried to match the game isometric view to have an idea of how it looks and it's better than I expected. I did a version with a Zbrush material to see how the lines where defining the character and feel confident enough to move into topology and texturing our little guy. If you have any last minute suggestion I will be happy to hear it.
@skullkid99 Thanks! the ears have been really challenging I tried different angles and shapes. I think finally good what I wanted so I changed the ears position for rigging and retopo purposes hope it works
@Goldo_O I'm happy you like it! It's an honor to get feedback from the guy behind El Braum! I tried to apply your suggestions
@lotet Thanks! I see your point, most yordles characters seem looking up. I'm planning to do the same when is rigged.
@GravityBwlast Thanks! I tweaked the face a little bit it was really flat. About the symmetry I tried the ear in the bandages but I was losing the silhouette I wanted. So instead I added an earring just enough to make it look different from the other.
@BoBo_the_seal Thank you! Hope to keep the expectations!
@Arash Salehi Thanks!! Regarding your work I think my main critique is It's not feeling stylized enough, focus more on bigger shapes and sharp angles.
Hey this is another update! I'm done with the retopo!! the model is 10k triangles which was my budget and I think looks pretty good. I used different League of Legends skins posted in Artstation to check the topology and the amount of triangles a character is using these days.
@cleankid I took your suggestion of removing the bandage across the face it was being kind of annoying and you where right it was making it more difficult to read quickly, Thanks for the suggestion
Now I'm moving into UV's and start baking the maps. I've never done hand painted style texturing so this will be challenging and fun the learning process.
There's really not much to say apart from nitpicking...
He still looks a bit "young" for someone who died for a few thousands years. More value variation to the bandages?
I LOVE this redesign by the way, I was blown away as soon as I opened the thread
Very nice work Andres, good luck on the last stretch!
Still working on the final submission. For now I just wanted to put a little teaser of the final version. I tweaked the color and texture. This is the best I can get on the texture.
Thanks a lot @yararstss for the suggestion on the gemstones. It helped me a lot and it looks much better now!
@cavins Thanks for adding the outline it fits much better in the rift gonna be using it in the final
@Goldo_O I'm glad you like it! doing my best learning this hand painted techniques
If riot only rework him like this one day!
Good luck with entrance)
Thanks everyone who followed the process of this guy. It was a great learning experience in many aspects. Thanks a lot for the feedback you could see how Amumu evolved every time I posted. We can finally see our little mummy being part of his Yordles friends. I need to take a nap
Check my Artstation:
High five Andres! You did it!!!