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Hey everyone! I'm Catherine, and I'll be working on a Warring Kingdoms skin for Yasuo!
Yas is one of my favorite champs to play, and I feel like he fits really well into the fantasy presented by the Warring Kingdoms skins.
I'll stream work on this on my Twitch channel here in case you are curious about my workflow for this project:
Thanks for looking!
Started on him yesterday and here is what I have so far from my two Twitch streams of work. This is still in the early blockout staged and I'm still kinda figuring out where I wanna go with some parts of him. The pauldron on the side is gonna be a chinese dragon kinda thing (I know at the moment it looks kinda lion-y, but it'll get there).
Lemme know what you guys think!
Lemme know what you guys think!
Let me know what you guys think! I would love some feedback!
Let me know what you think! Only just started blocking in the fur cowl. Didn't have time to finish blocking that out during today's stream.
One critique that I have is that for parts of this guy's musculature (abs, obliques, forearms, etc) you sculpt for hard edges and lines, while for other parts (pecs, shoulders, biceps, triceps) you render the muscles very smoothly.
I think Yasuo's muscles are rendered more on the smooth side in-game, but if you want to have those hard lines then I would suggest you commit to that style for the whole body. Having both just makes it seem a tad disjointed stylistically.
I would also suggest playing around a bit more with the shape of the eyes and the structure of his face. What you have so far is good, but there are some minor differences between the facial structure of your Yasuo and Riot's...
If you haven't already, do some paint overs of your sculpt and compare it too whatever reference you're using. Try to imagine this guys skull while you sculpt and you should be golden.
lastly, clump up the fur on the cowl a bit so it's not so uniform/repetitive and if you're going for a Warring Kingdom skin really push that Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors vibe.
I'm excited for this guy! Keep up the good work : )
I started another contest entry today as well during my stream, so check that one out as well!