Hi guys! This is the first time I am going to be entering a Polycount contest so wish me luck! Good luck to all of you guys too~
I will be doing a splash illustration of Astronaut Teemo, one of my favourite skins in the game. I will be posting my work in progress along the way. Here are some thumbnails to start~

To help me with the mood and the feeling, I took a lot of reference from the movie Gravity~
I picked up a new one today and did some quick line art to try better find cool shapes and work on the composition. (also further working into the cameo appearance!) still lots of work to do~
However I was wondering if it would be better if Teemo took more space in the picture by putting him closer to us, and exaggerating a bit more the perspective on him as well. I took a shot at it just to show what I mean, I don't know if that's actually helpful for you or even if that's what you were going for though.
Anyways, good luck for the next steps! Looking forward to seeing it done
p.s: teemo is life! o v o