May I ask why did you smooth some parts while you didn't the other parts? I know the concept of baking normal map; however, my detailed questions are...
1. What program did you use to bake the normal map?
2. The parts that you smooth and the parts that you didn't are same. Doesn't it cause error when you bake the normal map? In my case, I got very dirty edges
3. Why did you smooth some parts while you didn't the other parts?
May I ask why did you smooth some parts while you didn't the other parts?
I know the concept of baking normal map; however, my detailed questions are...
1. What program did you use to bake the normal map?
2. The parts that you smooth and the parts that you didn't are same. Doesn't it cause error when you bake the normal map? In my case, I got very dirty edges
3. Why did you smooth some parts while you didn't the other parts?
Thanks. :-)
The normals were baked in Substance Painter.