I've looked for the answer in the Autodesk help documentation, but I couldn't find anything relevant.
It's a very simple problem, but if I don't fix this, there is no way I can work smoothly.
I'm at the very beginning of following a youtube tutorial to model a grenade.
I feel like my units aren't configured properly... However, I did set it to centimeters. But in perspective vew, it's like everything is so tiny that I can't get close to it because it gets "cut" by the camera.
Look at this; if I try to get any close than the left pic, I get what you see in the right.
Also, when trying to set the correct size for my cylinder, I use the arrows on the right:
However, I can't make small adjustments to the size, because it switches by increments of an entire centimeter.
So I for example, there is nothing between this, and this:
Is there a way to make it go more smoothly? Normally, you can hold that arrow and move your mouse up and it scrolls very smoothly, but apparently not on such a small object? Sure, I can type the numbers, but I don't want to do that every time I need to make a tiny change...
And what's with these weird values anyways? 1.9999.....? huh?
If anyone can help I would be eternally grateful.
Set system units to centimetre
Set UI units to generic
And never change them from that unless you have a very good reason (Eg. You're building a whole city to scale)
System units is the important setting as that affects interaction with other packages, world scale and things like viewport clipping. If you set it to cm, you have a 1:1 relationship with fbx's baseline, unreal, substance and many other apps - if you set it to anything else you don't..
UI units has no effect on anything other than gui. I leave it set to generic units because then I have a 1:1 relationship with system units.
- set Display Units Scale to cm
- set System Unit Scale to cm
- create a box primitive with dimension 100x100x100 cm
- go to Utilites - Measure and check the dimensions of that box. It is 100x100x100 cm
- now, set System Unit Scale to mm
- check the dimensions of the box again. They are 10x10x10 cm. The length, width, height of the box, shown in Modify Tab are the same 10x10x10 cm.
When you want to do some measurements it is important the Display Units Scale and System Unit Scale to be the same. Otherwise you may wonder why a quad face with sides 1x1 meters have an area or 0.0001 sq. m.
You will never encounter this issue.