Opening a sketchbook here,
Stuff will also be posted on twitter: vuong_a16
Feel free to critique if you think it will help my art.
There will be 3D/2D pieces in here so if you see drawings as well that might just happen.
For certain big 3D pieces that may get a progression process, it will have it's own thread but the finished pieces will be posted on here as well with a link to the process!
I will also be starting an exercise of 3 models that will be uved and textured. Texturing methods will vary.
First Piece is a 2D Drawing since I finally upgraded my tablet. Used Wootha's brushes found here:
Not doing models today since Im testing out tablet today before I can get the second screen to work.
Had to do a lot of errands so there wasn't time for three models since I'm thinking of also redoing some older scenes I did in the past to clean up UVs/combine ideas.
however i wanted to make a ray gun when I was watching stuff on the internet.
working on the 2nd object, so far im starting to notice im very slow at modeling orignal designs, however it's been pretty good practice with speed modeling
i also notice there's a theme going on: toys.
might make november a month of toys and whatever I finish by the end of the month ill put it in some big scene on unity or unreal.
last bit for the night since I was struggling with transforming a 2d image into a 3d model test I had for the details.
I might actually make that detail in photoshop/quixel instead, but I did want to try it out to learn.
idk what to do for the castle, but I'm gonna play a little bit more and make little mini wooden knights
Making a little toy scene so far, it really reminds me of my own toy box when i was younger, or at least the kind of things I wish i had
three props done and more today! Robot, book, table, flag, and a cat in a box!
I'll stop here terms of modeling and focus on modeling all of this set and focus on UV/texturing so the models here can be done sooner.
However I might model from a word generator rather than rely on my own imagination. It might help with getting things modeled faster than waiting on my own self determination.
modeling the cat was pretty fun so i decided to make a teddy bear, im gonna try to get this done before the day is over, might pop this into substance painter
Uving process is pretty fun, though it does look janky of a model, might change the arms so pixel density remains equal all over
UVing everything half way through the piano so far, but I'll be done uving tomorrow! Then I'll throw it into substance painter or go with my usual method of texturing: photoshop and quixel
uving everything hopefully by tonight so that friday I can just texture.
saturday I'll be at day of the devs so that will be my off day
but learning this is pretty educational
im having fun testing how how pbr materials work out in marmoset 3
miraculously figured out you can actually smudge dark colors, might be doing this to the rest of the other models to add more depth~
not too sure what other details i want to do for the piano
of course ill add finished pieces of those on here like this table for example since I really wanna texture it/uv it
so far how much i've done for the daily challenge
i'll finish some other projects tomorrow, as well as finishing the textures I'm designing on substance designer to use for other props I haven't finished texturing.
once that's done I'll put the toy scene together and render it on the new marmoset 3, i need to toy around with it a lot
Spent some time actually working with substance painter and designer to make my own textures and what not.
I also am figuring out how I want to display these models once I have my textures done.
zbrush progress
Debating on if I should put this in zbrush to add details like ornaments or such
Been away to do several of stuff,
over the holidays I did have some time to work on a rough lay out to model around the table: a steam punk designer's office where they could sell their designs.
I thinking of also making little handing models like airplanes or the sort, super low poly ones.
I also have two other works under way but didnt have time for that either.
Will be back to work asap!
It's been a long progress but I'm learning as much as I can!
been doing other projects but working on this little by little every day, while pushing myself to add details
Been busy the past week due to other things in life, but tried to put some time into the few days i was free.
Sorry for no response, been working on several projects, these two are personal self improvement modeling projects but i was focusing on mainly 2 group projects.
past month has been incredibly busy for me and I've been trying to find more time with other stuff.
however managed to find time to work on cake as well working on other small projects!
did one more revamp to reduce more work, as the book shelves didnt' seem steam punk enough, but focusing on uving everything else first before working on new aspects such as the water heater
another shot showing the chair, the room looks empty because i haven't populated the smaller props yet to focus on the big and detailed items
Did a ton of work the past few months for a projects
midprogress of texturing a bit too yellow but ill need to color change later but i need a basic scene soon
getting stuff done slowly
practicing vertex painting as a side thing while working on the train station project
a weekend study on how to make stylized textures, stuck in one part that Ill have to tackle later, but progress in learning designer