So I've been following the chanfer zone AKM tuturial for practice, and then I
reach substance painter... I did the 4k bakes has the tuturial did. All
floaters are there, no distortions, and the detail of the high polly is
all there... all was good...
But after a bit of masking scratchs and detail, I started notecing a big diference in quality... a big one!
UVs are almost the same, (even with the bit of free space I got becouse
of a mistaked unrapd floater)...
Its all well packed, and almost
identical in size of UV islands compared to the tuturial, the size of my AKM is a bit diferente ofcourse,
but theres no stretch in the UV, and its all scaled and checkd with
checkers pattern...
**** The big problem that I notice is, even if I put my viewer
at 4K quality (killing my PC), it does NOT reach hes quality of hes 2k
viewr, it seams hes 2k view would represent my 8k bake and view (if I did a 8k bake and
my computer could take it)
My UVs on Max (theres Symetry objects outside the UV, Tuturial didnt want to stack them on top of each other, so I did the same)
UVs On Painter (My Ak size is diferente so thing like the Stock UVs are diferente)
Quality diference (not super visible, but belive me diference is 8k of diference more noticeble on the numbers)
I know theres alot of issues like this one, I read alot of them (I avoid
asking questions on forums for no reson), but I've been on this for 2 days now, maibe its something obvious and I apologize if it is...
answers I find are always around:
The UV was not proprely unrapd...and
well ...that does not seam to be the case, I followd the tuturial preaty well... its visible that the size is
preaty similar in the image but I adapted to my AKM size, and even if stretched its impossbile to give that much of a pixelated quality
diference from stretch to ALL the meshes.
... or
The bakes have to be done with higher quality... But following the tuturial, its a 4k bake in a 2k Viewer, I should have at least a close match to hes quality, that I really dont... it seams I have 3 times less quality.
Sorry for bad English and thx for the help
I'm on my phone so can't see properly but It doesn't look like he's got a wildly different density to you, are you sure it's not just a case of generator /bake settings?