Hey everyone, been lurking for a really, really long time and I finally decided to post what I'm currently working on. I'm currently a student at Gnomon school of VFX and almost done with my first year here. I'm in the modeling and texturing program which is mostly vray focused but i also love making real time stuff.
Just want to go over a bit of my process so far. So here it goes.
I really loved everything about Horizon Zero Dawn, it's probably one of my favorite games in the last decade. So after being at Zbrush Summit and seeing their presentation I became pretty inspired. I've also been recently playing The Witcher 3 and it got me thinking about what a Witcher would look like they were in the world of HZD.

So to start off this project I started collecting a lot of references because I think it's important to try and understand the design language of the game. Here are some examples. I also made up a little story in my head about him cause I think it helps with the creation process. His backstory is that he comes from the Nora tribe but left to travel the world and hunt beast.

Next step in my process is silhouettes. I didn't take it full sketch, I just wanted to lay down some quick values to distinguish important shapes and separate materials. After this step I find an actor I like. I find that the character is more believable if I start with a real person. I chose Gerard Butler.

So this series of images are really great I found because they all come from the same collection (except one image) and I know that the focal length of the camera is consistent. I've also been told that portrait photography is commonly shot lengths between 80 and 90 and that helped quite a bit in zbrush.

Some more close ups. The hard surface shapes are not final and still need to be polished up. I still have some pieces to make so I want to get them all in there before I do the final polishing.
I have done any tertiary details on anything. Still working on primary and secondary forms.
So this is about how far I've gotten. Hopefully this post wasn't too heavy for you all. Comments and critiques are very much welcomed. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's input.