Hi, I have a cylindrical shape (made from loops of polygons) that I'm edge-extruding, using a side profile reference,
following these steps:
- select the last edge loop,
- shift-drag it to the next position
- use the scale tool to uniformly resize it, to match the profile curve
For example, if I had to model a trumpet cone from a side profile, I would extrude an edge loop horizontally, scale it uniformly to match the current hole size, and repeat.
In my case I have a rather small profile, and a big cylinder, so I'm using a working pivot near to the reference to be able to see the pivot and the profile in the same view.
My problem is that if this works fine with the move tool, I can't say the same for the scale tool, which uses the working pivot as transform center.
Can I use a working pivot together with the "use selection center" option?
If this is 3ds Max, look in the Preferences for the option that keeps a consistent transform center. On my phone, can't recall the exact wording. Its a checkbox.
but I couldn't find a similar option
Ref Coord System = Constant
and I can't select "use selection center" because it comes back to "use transform coordinate center".
Can I use the selection center as transform center, while having the pivot in a convenient position?
I really can't see the guideline if I zoom that far!
One thing you could try is to lock your selection (spacebar by default) then use hotkeys to change the axes (F5 - F8) instead of clicking on the gizmo.
1. Make your edge selection
2. Lock it.
3. Zoom into your guide shape.
4. W for Move mode.
5. F5 hotkey to change to X axis.
6. Shift-move it.
7. R for scale mode.
8. Scale it.
At this point if you want to use Non-Uniform Scale, you can use F8 to cycle the axes. But it looks like you just want Uniform Scale.
For shapes like this though, it would be faster and easier to use a Lathe modifier on your reference spline.
I didn't consider the lathe modifier because my starting loop is part of an already existing geometry, I would have had to attach and weld it