So I've seen multiple people with a setup specifically on Bevel Tool within Maya have the ability to quickly scrub the offset of the bevel and then switch to the segments and quickly scrub that. My question is how does one go about setting up a toggle hotkey for such a function within bevel tool or any of the tools. Is this a hand made script or is this something I am having trouble finding it.
Some people have told me they do this by holding SHIFT+MMB drag in order to switch to a new parameter but my version of that only causes the large increment snapping in Maya 2017.
dr_bevelPress works a similar way if it set to "offset" on rightclick. Midbutton will do the segements. Midbutton with shift the offset.
I will definitely search around within that script to see if that is indeed the source of the functionality. This question initially popped into my head when I had seen Fansub's youtube video showing off the ADN tools. In the comments is where he brings up that he simply presses the SHIFT modifier while scrubbing MMB, but Im convinced he's also a wizard too so...
For connect for example, a quick cntrl+shift left right up and down will allow you to then scrub through slide, pinch, segments, reset tool. Almost every single tool in maya works this way.