hello everyone
I want to create a game character for 3rd person action (like Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia) in current gen for portfolio. My strategic aim is to become a character artist

I like Dynamite's Red Sonja (2005) comic books (Mel Rubi is stunning) and I am really disappointed that there is no cool dark game for it. I just see in my imagination a brutal action with lots of acrobatics, blood, stealth and magic in really variative hardcore game... But stop dreaming, I just want to practice in full character creating pipeline

I decided to change classic Red Sonja design a litlle - armor on one arm, more heavy armor to shoulders, scars, short brown haircut, celtic patterns, snake adornments etc - there were so many changes that I decided to name her Brown Sarah

for face reference I was inspired by Sherilyn Fenn - I think she is very sensual and deep actress, which could bring something interesting to a female fantasy warrior figure. for anatomy - fitness models (no bodybuilders or MMA fighters), just sexy and powerfull. armor and weapon - my design (next time I will ask for concept

I am newbie and don't have enough experience for such ambitious aim and that's why I decided to create WIP here, hope your advises, feedbacks or critiques will help me. I have been working for a long time with this project and improved some skills in sculpting and anatomy, but I understand that there is a lot of gaps in my education. PBR texturing is "terra incognita" for me

I've almost finished highpoly, let me show few screenshots, do not hesitate to share your opinion
1. head

2. common view (I have updated details on bra, pants and boots after this screenshot)

3. equipment details

4. body details (equipment simplified)

P.s.: accordingly to advise of one cool artist I'm going to remove ornaments from sculpt and add them later during texturing.
If you post nude version I can do paint over with specific area to be adjusted
pics below, I'm sorry I can't make ger totally nude - there is no legs under boots
I've found one pic in web on request "celtic ornament" and cleaned it a bit
Here are areas that I think you should revisit :
- neck : her neck is on a weak side , especially in side view -> some volume and correct plane changes can fix that
- shoulder : kind of missing individual planes that make whole thing - I made you a small image that should explain it better
- knee : same as neck
- legs : I think you should define widest point better also individual curves that make the leg are not exactly correct
- rib cage : missing side curve also you can be more specific when defining costal cartilage
- arm connection : definitely have to fix that because is probably the biggest mistake I see
- arms : too thin for her body + curves are not correct
- breasts : missing half of pectoralis portion of the muscle underneath -> middle and lower portion
List end up long but as I said you doing great all of those are easily fixable for almost no time , there are more small thing but they can wait till you fix one I already mentioned
I have a small gift for you which will make your task a lot easier
I hope I'll cope with your detailed advise
I want to say "thank you" again to carvuliero, I've updated anatomy accordingly to your advises, sorry that didn't show updates to you, but I have to finish design improvements to this model
I've studied and made retopo (60K tris) and uv (3 udims), baked textures (4K) and now I need advise, because I really in deadlock
1. i have weak machine and baked parts separatly. should I improve AO manually (1st screenshot) and makr a little burn under ring or armor on skin?
2. could you advise how to fix in substance painter normal bake issues (2nd screen) - I have a small quantity of it and I need to know how to fix it. problems are on hard edge between 2 UV shells. how to fix it in Substance Painter or Photoshop...
3. I don't know how to start with skin. lessons that I see work with Mari. there is no way to make realistic (not super realistic) skin for game just in Substance Painter? I have made masks and don't know how to continue
hope for your help. will be glad for any advises and additional info
will be glad for any feedvack, especially will appreciate advises about lighting