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polycounter lvl 3
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syhdesign polycounter lvl 3
Hello dear everyone,

I`m pretty newbie in here (but long time member) and i need your Critiques about my asset.
Quick note: for interaction every single button and metal plate separately exported, textured and low poly as much as possible !
Here is my working flow: 3dsmax>ndo>ddo>ue4
Here is my wonders;
- Every single button have albedo+roughness+normal+metallic+ao+emissive. I`m feeling this way (material) very expensive for vr. I would like to make model everything in one model and one texture, but because of interaction i separate components and textures as well in 2k !.. any known another way to make it one single model and texture but still intractable (*intractable means: finger collision + press effect) ?
- Please forgive my ignorance but i made a mistake with button textures in 2k i think, i just tried to keep texture quality for all objects. The question is how can i keep quality of textures balance between small and big objects ?

Your opinions are super important for me guys, i need your guidance, thank you and Cheers



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