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Third Year student, looking for Dissertation Ideas


Hey guys. I'm a third year student, and I have to come up with an idea for my Dissertation. I want to do something about 3D modelling or Games in general. I want some ideas from anyone that's willing to contribute. Note: i'm studying Animation and VFX and I am choosing 3D modelling and VFX as my career path.

Here's the thing though. I do want to do 3D modelling and such, but I mainly want to be a games designer. With the choice that I made in regards to my course at university, it doesn't relate to anything Game design based aside from the 3D animation and modelling and everything else that goes into the actual visualisation of a game (sorry I don't know how else to explain what I think). I'm Looking for an idea that will help me make the transition, Even if it means having to do an internship after my graduation. If you are wondering why I didn't just change course, When i decided that I wanted to do something different, it was already too late to change, and i couldn't start from the beginning due to funding issues with Student Finance (that's who funds the university tuition fees in the UK). 

This has had an effect on my studies since I got told that I could change course, and then due to the funding issues, i had to transfer back to my animation course and I was 4 weeks behind everyone else because of that. That's not important, Just mentioning it to say that I don't have a lot of time on my hands to learn something like Unity or Unreal engine etc. I'd love to, But with my job and all the work that i've missed i do not think it's possible, we are currently in week 7 of the semester.

I am passionate about games. And to some extent, about 3D modelling.

If it helps, I use Maya and Zbrush for sculpting. I am currently learning Houdini as well. I have programmed very little using Python, I studied Software engineering 6 years ago at another university and did Java for a few months, but had to leave due to family issues, and then decided to do animation at my current university.

The subject that I have to choose has to be a subject that doesn't involve too much work (a large scope) because of the other assignments i have to do, I won't have the time to do a larger scope project, I wanted to, but my lecturer advised against it. Also the subject has to be a subject that has a decent amount of research papers/Research done on it so I can talk about more stuff.

As far as i'm aware, it's a 23000 word essay, So that'll give you an idea.

These are the ideas that i came up with, but when I did some research, they didn't seem so interesting, But i thought i'd put it here in case anyone was wondering

Gamification, Persuasive Technology, Environmental/Digital Art, Nature VS Man-made art, Virtual Reality User interface (To my knowledge, it'll need programming, and I have no time to learn it). Augmented reality, Facial expressions for morality of a character, Built in Environment (BIM), Crime Scene investigations, Story nodes and branching (Way finding elements in games), High poly vs low poly style (would talk about the rendering issues based on machine specs available for the user etc). Abstract representation (Health benefits etc, game components)

As of now, My mind is completely blank, I'm not sure what to do to help my future or put me on the right path at least. Just don't want to make the wrong choices again. I'd like some advice and some ideas in general. 

This is my first post by the way. Not sure if i broke any rules on the forums, please let me know if i did so I can change things. 


  • Eric Chadwick
    Each of the ones you listed sound like interesting starting points to me. It's up to you to do the research and make a compelling paper out of it.

    My first thought was why do you want to become a game designer? Why exactly? Define "game designer", what does that role mean to you?
  • Etherblock
    Hi Eric. Sorry i should have cleared that up. Honestly I guess you asked the million dollar question that I don't have the answer to? I mean, I can't think of anything specific, Just want to work on games and create them, coming up with the mechanics of a game etc, thinking about how implementing something might help the players and such. I don't know, I just want to work on games, But I do not believe that I will enjoy the 3D aspect of it as much as I had hoped. Don't get me wrong, I like 3D modelling, Just not as much as I thought, and I doubt i would be doing it for that long after I graduate
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Aah....well it sounds like and please correct me if I'm off base, is that you're more interested in crafting experiences for the audience but not necessarily the art creation side? now if indeed the case a possible topic/idea for further research might be Games Writer?
  • Eric Chadwick
    Write you dissertation about why you want to be a game designer.
  • Etherblock
    Sacboi: Basically yes. 

    Eric: Can't do that, has to be something 3D related.

    I have decided to do my dissertation about Face expressions and Features that help build a character's personality. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Do it about level design then. That's 3d and it's also game design.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Aside from the dissertation needing to be done, I wouldn't sweat too much about how it bears on your career.  I've seen usually games that are made and playable a better asset than written academic essay for most game designers.

    I have yet to see someone be able to carry both well, and I'm coming from USC, where we have OODLES of game academics.
  • Etherblock
    Thank you Brian, That made me feel better. 

    Eric, Thank you as well. I will include level design in my dissertation as well. Thanks again
  • Mason_Colderson
    I'm sure photogrammetry has a lot of research on it: how it came to fruition, why is it being used, examples of current and past games using it, how does it work etc etc.
  • Etherblock
    Thank you for the reply Mason. I will look into it.

    I have one more question, I can't seem to answer the "Why I'm doing my dissertation on Facial expressions" question. Can anyone help me with this?
  • Etherblock
    Also, I can't seem to answer the background of the project. The only thing i can think of is when Mass Effect Andromeda was released and their character's facial expression were poorly designed/implemented.

    My mind is going blank right now, any help would be appreciated
  • Catchingdusk
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    Catchingdusk polycounter lvl 10
    Well... Why are you doing your dissertation on Facial Expressions?

    How can you expect someone else to answer that for you? It's specifically asking why you chose that one haha. ;)

    But in all seriousness, start googling. There are tonnes of articles about facial expressions, their history in games, their evolution in terms of fidelity.
    Look at GDC talks, articles in game dev sites etc. 

  • Etherblock
    Okay I've answered that question. To add to existing research and investigate the importance of facial expressions to delivery a story and emerssion to the player. I would use that data and create my own set of facial expressions and present it to different people and get their opinions about it, also comparing bad vs good facial expressions. I then would use that data to add or to prove other research papers wrong. 

    And thank you, i have been googling a lot, but never thought about their history in games and their evolution. and never thought of looking at articles in game dev sites, i dont know why haha.

    Thank you so much, I think i just need to chill and get on with it, which is what im doing right now. Thanks everyone for the responses! you've been a massive help
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