She's finished!
I started a new project and wanted to have a thread with the progress this time.
I'm working on Megumin from Konosuba and this will be my first hand painted character.

My progress so far:

Any feedback would be appreciated.
If you're going for the specific style in the concept, I think you should try to make the eyes sit a little deeper in on the face. It's most noticeable from the side view, but I think you could also bring both the jaw and mouth up, and move them closer in with the rest of the face. I did a little paint over if that helps explain it.
I think you're definitely on track! The proportions look like they match the character in the concept, and I can't wait to see how you continue to develop her.
Current progress, got some things blocked out:
Another Update. Slowly getting there i think,any feedback is appreciated!
also made her staff
I've got the base b/w texture with the green channel of the object normal, the AO, curvature and green channel of the position maps. Then i worked on making the outline effect with a duplicated mesh with inverted normals.
Feedback is appreciated!
Rigging by Jonathan Y: