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Logen Ninefingers (A-pose)

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kakochka null
Welcome Logen Ninefingers. This is one of my favorite fantasy characters. He's one of the main "protagonists" in a Joe's Abercrombie "First Law" trilogy (and in a few more books from that universe). If you hadn't read it already, then I strongly recommended it!
A lifetime project for me) Started it when I was only beginning to dig into 3d stuff. I've been learning all the basics with it. Character design, anatomy, texturing, lighting, xGen hairs and a lot more. Dropped it a few times, picked it up a few more. Learned a lot with it. Finally found some time to finish the first part of it - a relaxed "A" pose. Hoping to finish his clothing, accessories and posed version in near future)
Hoping to hear your thoughts and criticism on it=)


  • cloak_pie
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    Hi mate, In my opinion it is the best representation of Logen that I have seen.
    The suggestions would be more nicks and scars everywhere especially  on the forearms and hands, maybe slightly fatter fingers and I think his hands could look like he’s got dry and cracked skin from living in the cold and some knuckles could have signs of previous breaks. His lips could also be dry and cracked from the cold.
  • cloak_pie
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    Ps: I like the hair, he probably cuts it himself
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