Hey guys,
Is this a normal thing? I've seen a couple of these in the showcase subforum, and i've just been given one myself. In all my experience working, 1 week turnaround on a character is insane... So why are these art-tests happening?
I'd love to be clued in on this.
I would not be surprised if other companies who offer a similar test, are looking for people who can and would be willing to crunch. These tests aren't really made with people who work day jobs in mind, a more realistic deadline for a bust would be like 2 weeks minimum.
so what do companies expect to get out of a 1 week test? maybe it's meant to see where you'll cut corners?
Were you paid for it?
The art test I took to get my current job was 2 days for something that would easily be estimated to be 1 week workload.
And that was the whole point, they said. They didn't expect me to finish, but they wanted to see what I could get done, how I prioritized etc.
Luckily for me, I was using the everyman sleep cycle at the time, so I finished it, and got the job.
I kinda liked that test, though. Small and managable. If someone asked me to do a 3 month art test, Im not sure how I would react.
So its confusing to understand what exactly these companies are really looking for in a short art test.
Maybe they have junior character artists work in the character department making props for characters made by senior artists.
Does that really make them character artists?
communications, reactions to feedback, priorities on short timeframes or the ability to judge a timeframe based on the actual task etc.
it is not wrong if you tell them what you think about the task and its relationship to the timeframe. Of course for a junior role there usually isn't much space for negotations. But it should not hurt to communicate concerns and offer solutions.
I'm HOPING I'm fine on the time front.
for a week... was this stylised, realistic, low poly, full workflow or just sculp etc?
I'm currently trying to set up a decent frame for expected art tests within our team.. so trying to see how others approach it..