Because these trails will be affixed to game objects (homing missiles that derive direction via code and rigid bodies, not the particle system themselves), i can't use a core trail render within the particle systems.
The built in trail effect script for objects leaves a lot to be desired with lots of vertex overlaying of opacity at curved points, it's just not up to quality.
The unity store seems to have a few OKish solutions for sword swings but there doesn't appear to be a magic bullet solution for throwing a trail effect on an object. I've tried with varying levels of success over the years to get this figured out and i've finally gotten sick enough of this problem that i'm going to try to pawn it off on you guys at polycount!
This is one of those things you'd think would be such a universal problem that it wouldn't be a problem, or that there would be an asset on the Unity store for it, or at the very least a good # of people bitching about it on message boards.
Am i missing a way to get trails to inherit the position of their source object? Am i missing a way to govern particle position through code?
Any help is appreciated!
If you've got a solid all purpose trail effect ryan throw it on the asset store so i can give you my money