miauu's Transfer Edges Poly <-> UVW allows you to transfer(convert) edge selection from editable poly object to edge selection in uvw modifier(uv edges) or to transfer(convert) edges selected in Unwrap UVW modifier(uv edges) to editable poly edges.
Poly to UVW transfer works with Editable Poly objects only.
UVW to Poly transfer works with Editable Poly objects and with automatically added Edit Poly modifier.
If you have unwrap uvw modifier applied to the object and you select edges directly to the 3d object, then in edit uvws window the corresponding UV edges will be selected. But do this:
1- select some edges
2- apply unwrap uvw modifier
3-open Edit uvws window
4- go to edge subobject level
5- are the selected poly edges converted to UV edges and are those UV edges selected in the edit uvws window?
- added ability to transfer selected UV edges to poly edges.
miauu’s Transfer Edges version 1.2 is available.
miauu's Transfer Edges version 1.3 is available.
+ Added support for 3ds Max 2021.
+ Added Transfer UVW edges to Edit Poly modifier edges
FIXED: Poly to UVW edge transfer when object is collapsed after Retopology modifier has been applied.